11 Conspiracy Theories and Shady Rumours

10 min read
11 Conspiracy Theories and Shady Rumours

3. Beyonce Is Actually A Clone

Move over the ‘Paul McCartney is dead and replaced by a lookalike’ theory, it’s cloning time!

There has been more than a few voices in the past few years, raising the topic that the Beyonce we all remember from the days when she was lead singer with Destiny’s Child has been replaced by a clone. *


Insert awkward rosy cheek face emoji * The founders of this cyber-theory used the very technical placement of old photos (from DC days) next to new pics of Queen Bee and derived that she is most likely Stepford in make and model.

The talent-laden superstar has also been accused of faking her pregnancy with daughter Blue Ivy and of very clone-like behaviour in a certain video taken at a basketball game.

(Heaven forbid anyone should age publicly or get a little stoned before a sports event!)

4. 9/11

On the 11th of September 2001, four planes were hijacked by al-Qaeda and two of them were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, killing 2,996 people.


However, some people believe that the attack was an inside job, orchestrated in order to cement America’s place as the top global power or to secure the oil reserves in the Middle East. Another theory is that the building’s owners were responsible for the event (they stood to gain $500m in insurance profits). These are the tip of the iceberg theories for this historical tragedy.

Next Page: More Conspiracy Theories and Shady Rumours

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Shelley Gilbert

A mum of two, full-on but super cute little boys, Shelley is completely addicted to gentle attachment parenting, loves baby-wearing, fills the role o...Read Moref jersey cow for her youngest child, inhales books about child brain development, is happily married to her partner of 13 years and gets amongst it with the 4 yr olds on kindy parent days. Having worked in all areas of pharmacy her favourite part is - you guessed it- helping people. She is a Cert III Dispense Technician, has a Diploma of Business Management and has clocked up a whole lot of life experience that is giving her a great edge for writing for Stay At Home Mum. Read Less

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