While it seems to be your sweet tooth’s best friend, it can be silently poisoning you from the inside. Not such a sweetie after all.
That seems a little drastic really doesn’t it?
Sweet sweet sugar. Often we associate sugar with lollies, desserts and all of the delectable baked treats available to us on a daily basis.
More and more sugar is being used in everyday staples. Pasta sauce, flavoured milk drinks, fruit juices and some breakfast cereals are all guilty of amping up the taste with lashings of sugar.
Let’s have a look at 10 disturbing facts about Sugar you all should be aware of.
1. Sugar is the master of disguise.

When reading the nutritional lables of the food you are buying, sugar can be called up to 61 different names. Very deceptive of manufacturers, especially when you are serious about trying to make the best healthy choices for your family. The following list was compiled by Robert Lustig, M.D., professor of pediatrics in the division of endocrinology at the University of California San Francisco just to give you an idea of the variations out there.
2. Sugar can affect the brain much like cocaine or alcohol.

According to a brain scan study by the US National Institue on Drug Abuse, Sugar can cause changes to a person’s brain similar to those people addicted to drugs such as cocaine or alcohol. A heightened craving for more sugar after consumption can be linked to these affects. Wow. I’m sorry sugar you are not in control of my brain anymore! Kapow!!
3.Sugar can cause cancer.
Sugar consumption results in elevated insulin levels in your body. Scientists believe that contantly elevated levels of insulin (which is one of the key hormones in regulating growth of cells within the body.) can possibly contribute to cancer. Cancer is characterised by uncontrolled growth and multiplication of cells. There are many studies that show people who consume a lot of sugar are at a higher risk of getting cancer.