Feeling as though your brain is lost at sea?
Well, that’s baby brain my friend and yes, it’s a real thing!
It’s only natural to get a little forgetful in the first few months (years!) after your baby is born, with all that feeding, burping, nappy changes, and lack of sleep going on … so don’t feel ashamed if you forget a few things, like your own name!
But never fear because the wonderful tech world is here to help, providing a flurry of ultra-mummified apps that will see you not only organised but less forgetful too!
Here are our TOP TEN Apps for Brand New Mum’s:
1. The Wonder Weeks
The Wonder Weeks worldwide bestselling baby app is a personalized daily calendar of your baby’s development that will keep you informed about the (mental) leaps and bounds and the fussy phases of your baby — any time of day or night. This baby calendar app won prizes in several countries as the best parenting app.
Think of it as a portable, at-a-glance version of the calendar leap chart in The Wonder Weeks. Where the book describes in-depth and easy-to-understand terms the incredible developmental changes your baby goes through, the app is the perfect leap calendar companion to track your baby’s mental development (during the first 20 months). By knowing what is going on inside the head of your baby, you can help him to make the leap more easily and stimulate his development.
The Wonder Weeks app helps new parents by:
– Calendar Showing when your baby makes a leap in his mental development
– What your baby can understand & learn after this mental leap
– What your baby can do after this leap
– What you can do to help your baby
This app is also a handy reminder for new parents when their baby’s brain is changing, or “leaping,” the baby is making a significant advance in mental development, and with each step forward comes a drastic change in the way your baby sees the world around him. Because these leaps come so quickly, the “new world” and new abilities can sometimes be scary, and the development can initially manifest in poor sleep, bad appetite, crying, clinging and crankiness exhausting and frustrating mom and dad.