6. If You Don’t Have a Job, Do Something!
Sitting at home watching Netflix all day is not an option. This is the prime years of your life – and a time you start on your career! It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you want to do – but do something. So if you can’t get a job, volunteer at your local RSPCA or charity store. Wait tables, clean floors, flip burgers.. do something! Meet people, let them know you are looking for a job and who knows? Send out resumes to every business you’d like to work for, together with a cover letter stating just that! Study at your local library. In the meantime, learn some skills. If you can’t get into a Tafe or any school, do Youtube tutorials – just upskill as much as you can with all your spare time!
Employer Note:
Don’t be scared to put ‘Gap Year’ or similar on your resume if you bummed around for a year. But any longer than that and you haven’t really done anything – looks like you are lazy!

7. Do Your Homework Before a Job Interview
Please – know how long it will take to get to the interview, find out where it is – even do a test run. Don’t be late. Wear appropriate clothing. If you are not sure what appropriate clothing is, a good white shirt and black slacks are perfect (boy or girl). Bring another copy of your resume and please at least KNOW what the company does. Make sure your hair is neat and any makeup is minimal. Makes it look like you made an effort!
Employer Note:
Most employers don’t really like doing interviews, so please don’t waste their time.

8. University isn’t the Be All, and End All
You don’t HAVE to go to university to be successful. But you do need qualifications to fall back on. So look at getting a trade, consider an internship or traineeship or have a talent that will earn you money if you decide to travel or move.
Employer Note:
Many successful people have not been to university. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have to work incredibly hard to get where they are!

9. Smile and Be Respectful in Public
When you are looking for a job, every person you come into contact with can be a potential employer. So when in public, be on your best behavior. Have manners, smile and be polite. You never know who is watching!
Employer Note:
I had a young fellow be so lovely to me and my children at his part time job at a fast food outlet, I now know he finishes year 12 this year, and if he isn’t going to university, I will certainly be looking for him should I have a position for a junior come up! People who make a good impression get jobs!
10. Don’t be Scared to Ask Someone How
Employer Note:
If you don’t know something, then it is best to ask someone how to do it. It actually means you care enough to do the job properly! Ask them to show you how it’s done and then take it from there. Enhance your knowledge so you can improve.

11. Always Go the Extra Mile
No matter what you are doing, whether it be studying, working or just playing on social media, go that extra mile in whatever you do! It will stead you well in the working world!
Employer Note:
Don’t you just love it when someone does their job with soo much passion that they actually go the extra mile? The same with your boss and co-workers. It’s not about pleasing other people. It’s about caring about your job and the company you are working for and that makes you an asset.

12. Don’t be Discouraged When Starting at the Bottom
You can’t expect to leave year 12 and have a position of responsibility – it just doesn’t happen. But don’t get discouraged either. Starting at the bottom is a fantastic way of learning a business from the inside out. For example, working at a fast food outlet, you would learn time management skills, customer service, how to clean properly, dealing with bosses and food management. Wherever life takes you, pay attention.
Employer Note:
Most of the young generation get this idea that they are entitled to big things immediately. It doesn’t matter if you had amazing grades at school, you will have to start at the bottom. This is where you collect and improve skills. Besides, the journey is better when you actually went through all the hardships. It makes everything worthwhile!

13. Do the Best You Can – No Matter What Job
Employer Note:
This tip is not just applicable at work.. it applies to everything you do. Whether you’re volunteering, doing a hobby, helping your little sister do her homework or taking out the trash – do your best. It’s easy to impress at work when everything you do daily is done out of passion and discipline.