So today, I’m going to dispel some of the myths about it and show you what birth really looks like. Birth isn’t always wonderful and magical – but it IS still pretty amazing. You’re told that labour is a breeze and that the delivery is such a euphoric moment. But what if I were to tell you that’s not always the case? That sometimes birth can be messy, uncomfortable, and downright painful? Would you believe me? Probably not – but it’s true!
Birth comes in all shapes and sizes. No two births are ever the same.
C section, breech, Vaginal Delivery, Vaginal Birth After Caesarian, Vacuum Extraction, Forceps Delivery the list goes on.
When you’re pregnant, all you hear about iis birth. You hear about the amazing experience it is, and how everything just falls into place. It is all beautiful in its own form. These are the unusual childbirth pictures that don’t always make it to the photo album.
Let’s face it, gran probably doesn’t want to see these ones. Then again, maybe she does!
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Be warned these childbirth images include some pretty graphic scenes including placentas, umbilical cords, blood and splashes of body fluid plus much, much more.
If you’ve ever wanted to see more of the real and raw side of birth, then this photo gallery is definitely for you! If you get a bit squeamish at the sight of blood and other bodily fluids then maybe look away now.
Birth is a beautiful thing. Every birth is special and unique. No two births are ever the same. Each one is a beautiful miracle. Birth comes in all shapes and sizes. Some births are long and drawn out, while others are short and quick. Some babies are born healthy and strong, while others may need some extra care and attention.
No matter what, each and every birth is special and amazing. Birth is a beautiful, miraculous event that should be celebrated.
What birth really looks like
It’s no secret that giving birth is one of the most miraculous, yet stressful things a woman can go through. You’re bringing new life into the world, after all. So it’s no wonder that so many women want to make sure everything is perfect when their baby finally arrives. However, the reality is that birth seldom goes according to plan. And that’s OK! In fact, it’s more than OK – it’s beautiful.
Yes, giving birth can be messy and chaotic and downright exhausting. But it can also be incredibly empowering and intimate and joyful. It’s a time when you’re completely vulnerable and totally at the moment. When you’re focused entirely on bringing your baby into the world, and nothing else matters.
So if you’re pregnant and feeling scared or overwhelmed about giving birth, remember this: what birth looks like doesn’t matter nearly as much as how you feel about it. Trust your body, trust your instincts, and go with the flow. because at the end of the day, all that really matters is that you and your baby are safe and healthy.
Unusual Childbirth Pictures
These images will have your eyes popping at the true strength and power of your vagina, while cringing with sympathy pains. OUCH!
While most people think of childbirth as a beautiful, natural event, the reality is that it can also be pretty strange. For example, did you know that there’s actually a name for the condition where a baby is born with its head facing backwards? It’s called breech presentation, and it occurs in about 3-4% of births. While most breech babies can be safely delivered vaginally, some may require a C-section.
Other weird childbirth facts: did you know that it’s possible for a woman to have twins where one is born vaginally and the other via C-section? This is called “twin reversal.” And it’s not just twins- it’s possible for triplets (or more) to be born this way, too!
So the next time you see a beautiful picture of a baby being born, just remember that there’s usually a pretty strange story behind it.

Umbilical cord
The umbilical cord is truly something to admire. It did just help your baby survive for the last nine months by delivering the oxygen and nutrients needed to allow your baby to grow.
Check out this bubba having a suck on hers.
Umbilical cord pictures are beautiful and amazing. The cord is so deeply entwined with the baby during pregnancy that it is hard to imagine life without it. And yet, childbirth is a miraculous event in which the cord is severed and the baby enters the world on its own.
These pictures capture that moment of separation and the intense emotions that come with it. For many parents, umbilical cord pictures are a cherished reminder of the moment their child was born. They serve as a beautiful reminder of the profound joy and love that comes with bringing new life into the world.

The placenta looks pretty disgusting, but many women have been known to eat their placenta. It is believed that eating the placenta can ward off anemia, help increase milk supply, balance hormones and lower your chances of PND.
In New Zealand’s Maori culture, there is an ancient practice of burying the placenta after birth.
Childbirth is an amazing process, and the placenta is a beautiful part of it. When you see pictures of the placenta, it’s easy to see why so many people are fascinated by it. The placenta is a temporary organ that forms during pregnancy and provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing baby.
It also helps to remove waste products from the baby’s blood. The placenta is delivered after the baby is born, and it is typically eaten by the mother or buried according to cultural traditions. While it may seem strange to some, eating the placenta is thought to help the mother recover from childbirth and promote bonding with the baby.
Whether you decide to eat it or not, there’s no doubt that the placenta is a fascinating part of the childbirth process.

Amniotic sac/En caul
An en caul birth is where your baby is born with the amniotic sac still intact.
Babies born en caul are said to be lucky, special or protected. Statistics suggest around one in 80,000 births are en caul births.
One of the most fascinating aspects of childbirth is the amniotic sac. This sac is a membranous sac that contains the fetus and protects it from the outside world. The sac is filled with amniotic fluid, which helps to cushion the fetus and keep it warm. During labour, the sac ruptures and the fluid is expelled, along with the fetus.
In some cases, the sac may not rupture and the baby may be born “en caul.” This occurs when the baby’s head emerges from the birth canal while still inside the sac. While en caul births are relatively rare, they are considered to be a good sign, as it means that the baby was protected during childbirth.

A caesarean section (c-section or ‘caesarean’) is a surgical procedure in which a baby is born through an incision (cut) made in the mother’s abdominal wall and the wall of the uterus (womb).
Gentle C-sections are increasingly becoming a popular option for mothers who require a surgical birth but want a more traditional birth experience.
“I remember the day my daughter was born like it was yesterday. I was in labour for 36 hours before they decided to do a C-section. I was so exhausted that I could barely keep my eyes open, but the moment they placed her on my chest, I was wide awake and filled with more love than I ever thought possible.
It was such a beautiful moment, and I’m so glad that we have pictures to remember it by. The thing is, when you’re in the middle of childbirth, you’re not thinking about taking pictures. You’re just trying to survive! But looking back, I’m so glad that we took the time to document such an important moment in our lives.”

Simply amazing images!
Although some might be a bit confronting, it is awesome to see birth from the business end. We often miss that when we are focused so much on delivering our precious tiny bundle.
Birth is one of the most beautiful, natural processes in the world. Every year, millions of babies are born into the world, and each birth is unique. While the specific details may vary, there are some commonalities between all births. For example, most babies are born head-first, and the majority are born between 37 and 41 weeks of gestation.
In addition, most births involve some level of pain for the mother, as the baby stretches and applies pressure to the birth canal. However, the pain is often offset by the overwhelming joy that comes with finally meeting one’s child. Birth is an amazing experience that is both beautiful and miraculous.