Back when I did IVF in the mid-2000s, there was no such thing as a bulk-billed fertility clinic.
Instead, we had to fund it ourselves, and we sold the only asset we had at the time, our home, to do just that. It took seven different fertility treatments before we finally became pregnant with our first son who was born in 2007. All up – we spent about $40k to have our family. And it was worth every cent.
IVF is an insanely expensive undertaking. Today, the average cost of a single IVF treatment in Australia is anywhere between $6000 – $8000 depending on the difficulty factor. This leaves couples with an out-of-pocket cost of anywhere from $2500 to $4500 per cycle.
Bulk-Billed Fertility clinics started popping up a few years ago. Although they cannot offer the same level of expertise as most private fertility clinics, they do offer a chance for couples who simply cannot ever afford IVF to try for their dream of having a child.
More Reading:

Medicare Rebates on IVF
According to IVF Australia, many fertility treatments attract a rebate from Medicare. infertile couples in Australia have long been waiting for the government to offer financial assistance for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. The IVF procedure can be quite costly, and many couples are unable to afford it without help.
Am I eligible for a Medicare rebate?
If you are diagnosed as being ‘medically infertile’, then your treatment with Hunter IVF is covered by the government. This includes most ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) treatments such as IUI and Frozen Embryo Transfer or AI-Intrauterine Insemination – only if it involves an insemination procedure.
If not medically infertile—for example, single women or women living together without children–this won’t apply to them at all; they’d have to pay out-of-pocket expenses related directly to their condition.
Future of rebates on IVF
Recently, the Australian NSW government announced that it would offer rebates on IVF treatments, starting in January of 2023. This news has been welcomed by couples across the country who are struggling to conceive. The rebates will cover a significant portion of the cost of treatment, making it more affordable for couples to pursue their dream of starting a family.
The government’s decision to offer financial assistance for IVF is a compassionate one that will help many couples achieve their goal of becoming parents.

Is IVF Bulk-Billed in Australia?
Generally, it is not. But there are now fertility clinics in Australia that do offer bulk-billed fertility treatments provided you aren’t a ‘difficult case’ and you meet the eligibility criteria.
Bulk billing for IVF makes the process more affordable and easier to access. The global fee (a hefty cost), is sent directly to Medicare. You will not have to pay this fee. Most of your other IVF cycle fees will also be bulk-billed. This includes consultations with the doctor and nurses. The only costs you may have are for egg collection and medications, which usually cost around $900-$1020.
Eligibility Criteria for Bulk-Billed IVF
Some of the bulk-billed fertility clinics do have eligibility criteria that can include:
- Must have a BMI of 40 or below
- Must be aged 45 or younger.
- Must have a valid and current Medicare Card
- Must have been diagnosed as medically infertile by a fertility specialist.

Is IVF Treatment Covered by Medicare?
IVF is a costly and complex fertility treatment that involves retrieving eggs from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory. The resulting embryos are then implanted into the woman’s uterus. IVF can be an effective treatment for couples who are unable to conceive naturally, but it is not always covered by insurance.
Medicare, the government-sponsored health insurance program for seniors, does not cover IVF unless it is considered medically necessary. However, some private insurance policies do offer coverage for IVF, so it is important to check with your insurer to see if you are eligible for coverage. If you are considering IVF, you may also want to explore other fertility treatments that may be covered by your insurance policy.
Take note:
If you are an NSW resident who is eligible for Medicare and your doctor refers you, you can get help from the government-supported IVF fertility clinics. The clinic must think that IVF treatment is right for you.
How Many Cycles Does Medicare Cover?
According to Services Australia of the government, there is no limit on the number of IVF treatment rounds you can have. You can have as many rounds as you need until you are able to conceive.
The costs of having a baby are not cheap, which is why it’s important to find out from your doctor and insurer what services you’ll be paying for. Medicare might cover some or all the fees depending on how much they charge in general:
- What services your fertility doctor provides
- How much do they charge per cycle (or dose)
- Medicare insurance covers it or not
But if those don’t work out either way then there still remains an array of other things that will need payments upfront.

The Downside of Bulk-Billed Fertility Clinics
While bulk-billing fertility clinics may seem like a great way to save money on fertility treatments, there are some potential disadvantages to using this type of clinic.
1. Difficult case. Reportedly anyone that is deemed to be a ‘Difficult Case’ will be referred to a specialised fertility clinic that usually won’t be bulk-billed.
2. You still have to pay out of pocket. First, while many of these clinics bulk-bill, there may be a limit to how much they will bill. This means that if you need more treatments, you may have to pay out of pocket. It’s important to remember that while bulk-billing may save you money in the short term, it could end up costing you more in the long run if you need more treatments than what is covered.
3. Not like private care. Some of these fertility clinics may not offer the same level of care as private clinics. Also, patients at bulk-billing clinics may not have access to the latest fertility treatments and technologies.
4. Scheduled and longer times. One of the primary concerns is that bulk-billing clinics may have longer wait times for appointments and procedures, as they are typically less staffed than non-bulk billing clinics. This can be frustrating for patients who are already dealing with the stress of fertility issues. In addition, bulk-billing clinics may offer fewer treatment options than non-bulk billing clinics, as they may not have the same level of funding.
5. Professionalism and health risks. Low cost might mean poor delivery of services. The low cost of these clinics means that they often have less experienced staff. This can lead to lower success rates for fertility treatments. Additionally, in rare cases, the lower standards of care at these fertility clinics can actually lead to health risks for patients.
So if you’re considering a bulk-billed fertility clinic, be sure to do your research to make sure it’s the right choice for you. Couples considering a bulk-billed fertility clinic should do their research and weigh all the pros and cons before making a decision.

List of Australian Bulk-Billed Fertility Clinics:
If you’re trying to conceive, you may be looking for a fertility clinic that bulk-bills. This means that the clinic bills Medicare directly for your care, and you don’t have to pay (or pay less)any out-of-pocket costs. Here is a list of Australian fertility clinics that bulk-bill.
Adora Fertility | Website |
Life Fertility Clinic | Website |
The Fertility Centre | Website |
Queensland Fertility Group (Sunshine Coast) | Website |
Affordable IVF (Sunshine Coast) | Website |
New South Wales:
Primary IVF | Website |
Adora Fertility | Website |
First Step Fertility | Website |
Connect IVF | Website |
Westmead Fertility Centre | Website |
IVF Options | Website |
The Fertility Centre Victoria | Website |
Adora Fertility Melbourne | Website |
City Fertility | Website |
First Step Fertility | Website |
Newlife IVF | Website |
Western Australia:
Adora Fertility Perth | Website |
Concept Fertility Centre | Website |
Genea (bulk billed fertility assessment only) | Website |
Pivet Medical Centre | Website |
Tasmania, NT and ACT:
Fertility Tasmania | Website |
TasIV Hobart Fertility Clinic | Website |
Eternal Women’s Health | Website |
Genea Canberra | Website |
Repromed | Website |
Bulk-billed fertility clinics started popping up a few years ago, and they offer couples who cannot afford IVF a chance to try for their dream of having a child. The clinics cannot offer the same level of expertise as most private fertility clinics, but they can still provide couples with the necessary treatments.
The treatments provided by the clinics are not as expensive as those offered by private fertility clinics, but they are still quite costly. However, the cost of the treatments is not as important as the fact that the couple has a chance to have a child. The couple should never give up hope, and they should never give up on their dream of having a child.
Are you trying to get pregnant, but finding the cost of fertility treatments prohibitive?
You may be surprised to learn that there are a number of bulk-billed fertility clinics in Australia. This means that you can get the necessary treatment without breaking the bank. Here is a list of some of the best clinics in the country.