5 Places Mums Get Hairy After Giving Birth

4 min read

Pregnancy can be a glowing time for every woman. Red faced and sweaty that is. 

Carrying a baby around for nine months is bloody hard. But then… something out of the ordinary may happen.

The hormones and estrogen levels in the body can create a problem with post-partum pregnancy: hair — where it doesn’t belong. It seems after one gives birth, the hair on our head falls out, and starts growing elsewhere, and seems to appear overnight in the most inappropriate places.

The reason that hair growth seems to occur in odd locations on the body is affected by the hormone and oestrogen levels. Here are some of the most awkward locations that post-partum women have hair appear out of nowhere. The hair seems to greet you good morning when you look in the mirror. Here are some fun unique facts about hair growth after having a baby.

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1. The Chinny Chin Chin

When we think of chin hair, we often think of beards. When we think of beards, we think of men. It has been known that post-partum women have experienced thicker and darker hair growth on their chin. Or it might just be a few odd hairs. The hair can be so thick that it is quite noticeable. A woman who has just gone through a nine-month pregnancy, morning sickness, and had to experience her uterus expanding is in no shape to deal with facial hair. Chin hair can be quite the shock and it can become a hair growth that no woman wants to endure.


What to do: Pluck out those bad boys with tweezers if they bother you. Otherwise, get them waxed off when you go get your brows done. For a more permanent removal method, try getting Professional IPL treatment on those hairs.


2. The Mummy Moustache

Upper lip hair that appears out of nowhere after having a baby can be bloody traumatising. Of course, women with an Italian or Middle Eastern decent have known all about this problem for most of their lives (we sympathise with you!). Upper lip hair on a woman can be quite noticeable, especially if the hair is dark.

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What to do: Don’t shave it or pluck it – get it waxed off! Wax is truly the best way to remove the lady stache!

3. A New Snail Trail

After having a baby, there are many women who have experienced thicker and darker hair growth on their belly. Yep, their very own ‘snail trail’. New mum’s hardly have time to brush their hair, and the last thing they need is to deal with noticeable hair on their tummies.


What to do: If it bugs you, use hair removal cream (such as Nair) to get rid of it.

4. Beard on the Bum

Everyone has hair on their bottom. And it is often more noticeable for men than women (hence the Back, Sack and Crack wax). On women, the hair is usually so fine, we don’t even notice it. But when the estrogen levels are on a warpath, it can be a common occurrence for hair to grow heavily on the buttocks. Hair so thick you can braid it and add a ribbon!


What to do: If it bugs you, see a professional. You probably shouldn’t use hair removal cream so close to your pink bits.

5. Tinsel Tits

Chest hair is often seen on men and not women. It is a more natural appearance to see men with hair on their chest than it would be to see a woman with hair on her chest region. It has happened to many post-partum women. They wake up one morning and notice long or thick hair sprouting out around the nipples.


Hairy nipples are not what a woman wants to have when she is breastfeeding her new bundle of joy. It can be an embarrassment for her because she may be self-conscious about someone noticing by accident. Hairs growing around the nipple area can be a big surprise to any women who knew that the growth was not there a few days ago. This can continue as you age, but usually begins after giving birth.

What to do: Use some tweezers to remove them or get the IPL treatment on those hairs.

Don’t worry, it doesn’t last forever…

Ladies, you are not alone if you’re experiencing extra hair in places that you’re not used to. It is not an uncommon situation. The unwanted hair will not last forever. Do not focus on the hair growth but instead just focus on enjoying your new baby.

Did you experience having unwanted hair growth after giving birth?

Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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