10 Ways You Can Get Pregnant When You Don’t Expect It
Remember when you were a teenager and Dolly magazine would advise that douching with Coca Cola and jumping up and down after sex couldn’t prevent pregnancy?
It’s time to do a bit of Sex Ed 101 because there are ways you can get up the duff without even trying. While some of these are extremely rare, they can result in you being knocked up if you aren’t careful.
1. Opening a condom packet using your teeth.
Some people are in a real hurry to get the franger out of the packet that they’ll attempt to tear it open with their teeth. Unfortunately, doing this might mean it will spring a leak later if you accidentally puncture it.
2. Dry humping

Women can get pregnant by “dry humping” – where a man and woman grind against one another without penetration, and even if they are wearing underwear. According to Family Planning NSW, if semen comes into contact with the vagina, there is a risk of pregnancy.
3. Even if he’s taken the “back door” entry…
It is possible for a woman to get pregnant even if she’s only had anal sex. According to experts, this is because the semen doesn’t just end up in the, ahem, back passageway. Some of the seminal fluid can make its way to the opening of the vagina because the anus and vagina aren’t all that far apart.
4. Even if you’re already pregnant.
There’s a strange, and rather uncommon, phenomenon is known as superfetation that occurs when a woman is already pregnant but continues ovulating. The second fertilised egg will implant in the lining of the womb, resulting in a second pregnancy.
5. Spooning naked.
Just like dry humping, if there is any way for sperm getting itself near the vaginal opening, you still have the risk of pregnancy. So even if you’ve had sex using a condom, spooning naked afterwards means there’s a very finite risk that you could still get pregnant.
6. Using oil-based lubricants with condoms.
You should never, ever use oil-based lubes, such as petroleum jelly, with condoms. These types of lubes degrade latex and cause teensy holes in the condom that the sperm can get through. There are plenty of condom-safe lubes on the market. Just read the labels carefully.
7. Fooling around in the bathtub.
If you fool around together in the tub or swimming pool, there’s still a chance you could get knocked up… albeit a rather slim one. If there’s any way for sperm to get inside your vulva, you can get pregnant.
8. From fingering.
If a guy has finished on his hand and then puts it inside your vagina, there’s a chance you could get pregnant. It is less likely, but it is still technically possible.
9. Even if you are on the pill…
The pill is quite effective, but it isn’t 100% effective (although it is quite close), even if you take it religiously and never miss. That means there’s a tiny chance that it won’t work.
10. Having sex on your period.
Sperm can live inside a woman for up to five days, which means even if she has sex while she’s still bleeding, she could still conceive if she ovulates early.