9 Things You Did As A Kid You’d Never Let Your Kids Do

5 min read
9 Things You Did As A Kid You’d Never Let Your Kids Do

Look After Your Younger Siblings

There are often debates these days about when it’s ok to leave your children alone to look after each other, with most saying only teens are really capable of supervising their siblings. Well not in my day.

9 Things You Did As A Kid You'd Never Let Your Kids Do | Stay At Home Mum

The care of my two younger brothers, one six years younger than myself, was often left in my hands, both in the house and outside. We were left home alone on a regular basis while my parents ran errands, and I was considered more than capable of walking them to the park or the shops to rent a movie, alone. How times have changed!

Get To School Alone

It was pretty unusual when I was a kid for parents to drive their kids to school. Generally kids would make their own way there, sometimes with adult supervision but usually with their older siblings.

9 Things You Did As A Kid You'd Never Let Your Kids Do | Stay At Home Mum

In my solo school career, beginning at the age of five, I caught the bus with my nine-year-old brother to a school across town. Later I rode my bike 20 minutes to get there, tailed by my two little brothers. Now unless school is within spitting distance from your home everyone seems to make the trip in the car, or with a parent very close by.

Be Home At Sunset

When I was a kid after school and the school holidays were a block of immense possibility, with no clear guarantee about what each day (or afternoon) would hold. We would get home from school and rush out of the house immediately, with mum or dad calling out the door to make sure we were “home by sunset”.

9 Things You Did As A Kid You'd Never Let Your Kids Do | Stay At Home Mum

It’s certainly not the same now, with parents horrified at the idea that several hours, or even an entire day, could go past without them really being aware of what their children were up to.

What other things did you do as a kid that you wouldn’t let your kids do?

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About Author

Oceana Setaysha

Senior Writer A passionate writer since her early school days, Oceana has graduated from writing nonsense stories to crafting engaging content for...Read Morean online audience. She enjoys the flexibility to write about topics from lifestyle, to travel, to family. Although not currently fulfilling the job of parent, her eight nieces and nephews keep her, and her reluctant partner, practiced and on their toes. Oceana holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Writing and Indonesian, and has used her interest in languages to create a career online. She's also the resident blonde at, where she shares her, slightly dented, wisdom on photography, relationships, travel, and the quirks of a creative lifestyle. Read Less

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