9 Mistakes New Parents Make

6 min read
9 Mistakes New Parents Make

Let us all be honest with ourselves; nothing is more frightening and demanding in life as becoming a parent!

For those who haven’t had any children yet, every mum and dad reading this article will agree when we say that, “YOU WILL NEVER BE PREPARED.”

That is, until you have children beyond the first one. However, if that’s not the case, let’s discuss the common mistakes new parents make, and see the implications it may have.

9 Mistakes New Parents Make

1. Saying “No” to Offers to Help

Someone is kind enough to offer to watch over your kid? Do the laundry and the like? We’re very much aware that in your pre-baby life, you have probably declined offers like this and politely turned them down. However, your life today is different. So, it’s advisable to take them up on it, because it’s really the time when you need help just to visit the salon and have some “me” time.

9 Mistakes New Parents Make | Stay At Home Mum

2. Being a Stress Ball

“Am I feeding my baby well?” “Am I overfeeding him?” “Should I opt for organic baby foods?” You name it, a new mum excessively worries about anything and everything! Other than legitimate health concerns and safety, chances are, you’re making yourself crazy. Don’t stress yourself too much – everything will be fine.
9 Mistakes New Parents Make | Stay At Home Mum

3. Listening to Another Parent’s Advice Even When Your Gut Says “NO!”

That advice to rub rum on your baby’s gum or ignore that weird rash, or to do some other thing that might seem ridiculous to you? It probably is. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to offend someone or if that person has years of experience when it comes to parenting, you’re still the mum of your kid. So, better trust your instincts. It’s like what they always say, “mummy knows best.”

9 Mistakes New Parents Make | Stay At Home Mum

4. “Your Kid Is Better than Mine!”

Perhaps, your friend’s kid might already be cruising and crawling, while your precious little gem is still figuring out how to roll back to her stomach. Don’t let this affect you a lot – know that every kid does tackle milestones at his own pace, and it doesn’t make your kid an underachiever if she hasn’t yet. As long as your baby’s pediatrician is telling you that your munchkin is progressing normally, you don’t have to worry about anything at all!

9 Mistakes New Parents Make | Stay At Home Mum

5. Transforming into a Hermit

For new parents out there, taking a shower has become a really big deal for them. Not just that, putting on real clothes, packing the nappies, and heading out the doors have become a difficult chore as well. Know that if you’ll lock yourself in the house most of the time, you’ll just end up feeling more stressed, exhausted, isolated, and even depressed! Every now and then, you and your baby need some fresh air. Who cares if you haven’t showered for a week? No one will smell you! Go out and try to have some fun with your baby.

Next Page: More Mistakes New Parents Make

Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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