Who are the Matildas? Well you must have been living under a rock!
The Matildas are our Aussie women’s Soccer team who have made headlines over the past few weeks for creating an absolute buzz across the nation.
Did you Google ‘basic rules of soccer’ last week, too? If you did, you’re in good company. Soccer, or football as it’s known in many parts of the world, has a way of capturing hearts, not that I ever knew until recently.
Let’s take a moment to celebrate our Aussie soccer girls, The Matildas, or as most of us now affectionately call them, the Tillys – they’re making soccer exciting for all of us.
I’ll be honest; I’ve never been a soccer fan, and my family isn’t exactly a team sports-watching household either. Shame on us, right? But the buzz these girls have created, it’s been nothing short of goosebump-worthy.
I found myself cheering for them, actually enjoying watching soccer, and even feeling a twinge of jealousy. Could I run that long? Should I join a soccer club and make it my thing? This is coming from a mum who doesn’t have any hobbies, unless you count baking a little and playing at parks on weekends.
Maybe it’s the fact that we’re almost past those years of zero sleep with young children, but now, waiting up for a game doesn’t seem like such a crazy idea.
I want to change things in our family, and I credit The Matildas for that newfound excitement bubbling up in my belly. I’m even joining in on conversations about sports, excuse me who am I?
So, Who Are The Matildas?
If you’re like many mums just starting to dip your toes into the soccer world (believe me, I never thought I’d write that sentence), you don’t know much about these women. And I’ll be honest, I won’t bore you with my own introduction of these awe-inspiring women as it would not do them justice, I will let their official page give them the grand introductions they deserve.
But the little part I do know of how big the well-oiled machine is that keeps them going: what I do know (now) is The Matildas, in all their glory, composed of 23 players divided into Goalkeepers, Defenders, Midfielders, and Forwards.
They’ve got 4 coaches and 10 trainers and staff supporting them on their journey to greatness.
The Matildas’ semi-final game TV broadcast broke Australian records to become the most-watched television show, bringing in 11.15 million viewers at its peak. I was one of those people, yeah the girls!
Popular teammates you might have heard about include Sam Kerr, Caitlin Foord, Ellie Carpenter, and Alanna Kennedy.
These women, as well as the rest of the team, are funny on TikTok, giving you some close enough to real-time videos, creating a sense of knowing these women and having come alongside them on the Women’s World Cup journey. The celebrity status these women have now earned is going to have an enormously positive impact and such great role models who inspire countless young girls to dream bigger than big.
More Reading:
Why Has This Made Such a Profound Impact on Everybody?
Why have I written about this? Why do we all care so much about this? It’s already creating change! This game has gained so much attention that funding etc will follow suit. The Albanese government promised $200 million to improve women’s sporting facilities and equipment after the Matildas’ history-writing Women’s World Cup performance. This means more resources and opportunities for girls who dream of becoming the next Matilda. The impact is felt beyond the field; it’s about equality, representation, and inspiring the next generation of athletes.
How do we keep up this momentum?
This isn’t just for the Matildas this is for all of our women’s sports, let’s keep this buzz alive!
1. Social media to follow + interact with these women. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. Like, love, share, comment it all counts.
2. Watch the Games! Sitting on the couch cluster feeding for 6 hours? Watch a game.
3. Buy tickets to see a game! Be a part of the magic that is live sports!
4. Buy Merchandise: Jerseys, Flags, Keychains, Water bottles, Hats!
This jersey shirt is perfect to wear to see the game!
5. Swysh: Get a personalised message from your favourite sports star on your phone!
6. And finally… Support local team sports by enrolling your girls into any sport they want. ANY SPORT!
The saying “It’s a man’s world is so yesterday.”
Now it’s Who run the world? GIRLS!
We all know a chubby toddler in a tutu is cute, but so is them kicking a ball in their mini jerseys.