“The sonic boom fart I did in my OB’s face as I was pushing lol”
Katie M (Facebook)
“Looking up into the light into the theatre which has mirrors in it and seeing that cut fully open.”
Paulette Teresa A (Facebook)
“The pooping part, why did no one find the need to warn me of this embarrassment!”
Tracey B (Facebook)
“The mess afterwards! No one told me it would be like a crime scene. Not that I cared then as I had a beautiful new bubba monopolising my thoughts. But man, what a mess! Why anyone would have a home birth is beyond me for the simple reason I wouldn’t want to have to clean up all that gunk afterwards lol”
Kath S (Facebook)
“The placenta. That shit is gross! Silly curious me asked to see it after my first baby. Never again. The most awkward was having my midwife who is also a good friend sit at the end of the bed after the birth of my second and tug on the placenta trying to encourage it to come out. Awkward.”
Melanie B (Facebook)
“When the doctor and midwives came in wearing gum boots and plastic aprons. I thought, ‘what the hell is going on, what’s going to happen’. Then after my son was born and they were helping me into the bathroom, I looked back at the bed, and the floor under it – and I understood”.
Jennifer G (Facebook)
“Trying to walk around after my water broke, what’s up with the tuna water that never ends?”
Denise O (Facebook)
“Having my Mum shave me to prepare for my emergency C-section”
Shannon B(Facebook)
Now these are two men watching a video of a woman giving birth:
Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less