Oh my god! Kids can seriously be so dumb at times. I mean come on, who sticks a LEGO up their nose deliberately or gets their tongue stuck to the freezer?
Only a kid would, that’s for sure.
Not to mention the sh#t they stick in their ears, or mouth. It is like you need a constant recording playing………
“DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN YOUR EARS, NOSE or MOUTH without checking with an adult first.”
We asked our community what dumb injuries their kids have ever suffered. The responses had us in fits of giggles, but some also left us cringing a bit as well.
Dumbest Injuries Kids Have Ever Received
Kissing the bbq
Slammed her own ear in the car door
Sticking a bead up your nose
Broken arm because he thought he was batman and could fly if he jumped from the top of the lounge.
Epically spinning off a kitchen stool and smashing chin on the bench on the way down. 7 stitches to repair severed tongue, and 2 stitches to repair top lip. OUCH!
Cut their head open on a pencil sharpener
Got tongue stuck in the freezer at Aldi
Cut head with a pastry sheet
Head injury from standing on a desk at school and getting hit by the fan
Lego up the nose at the age of 6 went to the hospital and had it removed, they even have a special tool. (Do you think someone woke up one day and thought I’m going to design a tool to get lego out of dumb kids noses.?)
Turned the treadmill on full blast and fell on her face!
A piece of steak in her ear.
Got his chin stuck in the car window
Kneed himself in the face and split his lip
Jammed fingers in the toilet seat
Walking into glass door
Biting their own fingers while eating
Getting a rock stuck in their ear
Running full speed, head first, into a parked car
Swallowed a micro machine car
Dropped an iPad on her toe and broke her toe, but it didn’t even smash the screen!
Kicked herself in the vagina while doing a cartwheel.
Put the vacuum on his cheek and then turned it on. It looked like he had a hickey for a week on his cheek!
Sore eye, from poking her eyeball with her lollypop. On purpose.
Smashed a baby jar of food on the ground and ate glass
What dumb injuries have your kids received? Join the discussion on Facebook here.
About Author
Tracy Hardy
Tracy has been a digital content writer for over 10 years and a crazy mum of two boys for nearly 17, so be gentle! The teen years are rough! Beach lov...Read Moreer. Terrible housekeeper. Tea drinker. Wine sipper, who sadly can't eat cheese or ice cream. Life is cruel! Read Less