Mum Gives Birth To Sextuplets After Trying To Conceive For 17 Years

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Mum Gives Birth To Sextuplets After Trying To Conceive For 17 Years

After trying for a child for 17 years, a couple have been blessed six times as they welcomed their sextuplets.

Last November, Adeboye and Ajibola Taiwo, originally from Nigeria, initially thought they were having four babies as dad Adeboye told VCU News, “I was excited – for the very first time, we were expecting.”

It wasn’t until January when it was discovered that there were six babies, and not four.

Dr Ronald Ramus, director of the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine and the medical team at VCU Medical Centre in Richmond, Virginia in the US gathered to support the family so Ajibola could carry the babies for as long as safely possible. “We’re going through this extraordinary journey together with the family. Mrs Taiwo was eating, sleeping and breathing for seven. A lot of the support and encouragement we gave her to make it as far as she did was important, and one of the biggest contributions we made as a team,” he said.

Mum Gives Birth To Sextuplets After Trying To Conceive For 17 Years | Stay at Home Mum

On May 11th, three boys and three girls were born and were safely delivered at 30 weeks. The heaviest baby weighed 1.33kg, while the lightest baby came in at just 737 grams.

Adeboye thanked the team for helping them through their pregnancy until the birth of the babies. “The medical team is excellent in medicine and hospitality. We are far from home but the medical team is our family. That is what got us this far,” he said.

It was a first for the hospital which has a level 4 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to cater for “the region’s most critically ill and premature babies.”

Mum Gives Birth To Sextuplets After Trying To Conceive For 17 Years | Stay at Home Mum

Ajibola was released from hospital on May 18, but the babies remained, with both parents actively involved in their care.

Ajibola hopes that once her babies grow up, they will give back to the hospital by caring for others just as how they were taken care of. “I hope for the smallest of my six children to grow up and say ‘I was so small, and look at me now’,” she said. “I want my kids [to] come back to VCU to study and learn to care for others with the same people who cared for me and my family.”


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