I am so sick of hearing on websites, TV and the media in general how we are bad Mums if we do this or that…..
You know, I try my best, but I’m far from perfect……
Today, we are setting the record straight on what REALLY makes you a bad Mum!
1. You give your kids cereal for dinner
No, this isn’t being a bad Mum. Your kids are fed, their tummies are full, and cereal really isn’t bad for kids at all. In fact, I think cereal (some cereals anyway) can be healthier. If you are tired and really CBF cooking, cereal, toast, baked beans are all perfectly acceptable meals for small children – or better still – they can make something themselves!
What would ACTUALLY make you a bad Mum?
Not giving your child dinner at all. In fact, it is against Australian law to send your kids to bed without dinner or withhold food for any meal.
Worst example:
A Korean couple became so engrossed in their online computer game that they starved their three-month old baby daughter to death. Source. The couple were so engrossed in raising a virtual character to ‘escape from reality’ that they just forgot or ignored the child.
2. You smack your children
A small smack on the bum now and again does not make you a bad parent. I admit that I used to smack – both my children in fact. But only in situations where they endangered themselves like running away in traffic. Or to tell the truth, sometimes Mums smack due to sheer frustration… which isn’t a good excuse, but it still doesn’t make you a bad parent. If you feel bad after smacking, you know that you have done the wrong thing. Discipline is an important part of raising a child….. for some, a light smack works. But you can try other methods such as taking away a privilege (screen time works in our house!), not giving out pocket money or making them do extra work around the house.
In most Australian states, a parent can lawfully smack a child when it is ‘reasonable chastisement’. Source
I actually have heard of a few parents who were trying to get their child to clean their room, and when they refused, they started taking items out of their bedrooms until all they had left was a mattress and they had to work to get all their ‘stuff’ back. Good on ya parents!
What would ACTUALLY make you a bad Mum?
Beating your children. Beating is not smacking. Any ‘hitting’ that leaves a mark is too hard.
Worst example:
What happened to Kiesha Weippeart. So bad I’m not even going to put it here, but feel free to read more here should you wish.