4. Limit use of dummies/pacifiers and bottles

Sometimes when the use of dummies (pacifiers) and bottles increases, breastmilk supply can automatically decrease due to low demand. It is also believed that using these increases oral stimulation which can reduce the baby’s hunger.
5.Try getting enough sleep and stay relaxed

One of the other ways to naturally increase your breast milk supply is by getting enough sleep. Even though it’s near impossible with a demanding newborn, you need to make sure you get as much rest as you possibly can yourself. There are several studies that show that mothers can easily increase their milk supply and have good milk let down, if they stay relaxed and have plenty of rest. Enlist your family or friends to help out with the baby if you need a break, or look for a babysitter. Try things such as listening to soothing music while relaxing or sleeping or try some meditation or yoga as well.
6. Monitor your diet

Breastfeeding mothers also need to control and watch their diet. To get better results, try increasing your fluid intake – especially water. Some foods which may help increase milk production are quinoa, barley and oatmeal along with spices such as ginger, fennel and turmeric. Fenugreek is also said to increase milk supply naturally. Above all, be sure you are eating enough to keep up with the demand of milk.
7. Try to express in between feeds

Pumping or expressing breast milk is a great way to produce more milk. Many mums find that this works really well for them. You can either start after a feed when milk drains from the breasts, and you can continue this for extra five minutes. Even if you dont get any milk, continue this and it will help increase the stimulation. For better results, try doing it for 10 minutes for each breast, in between usual feeds.
For further support and information you can visit the Australian Breastfeeding Association website, or consult with your baby health nurse.