What are the disadvantages?
- It requires you to have an IV, continuous foetal monitoring and frequent blood pressure measurements.
- Depending on the type of medication, you might lose sensation on your legs and sometimes lose the ability to stand during labour.
- Narcotics administered through epidurals can have some mild side effects such as nausea and an itchy face.
- You are required to stay in an awkward position of about 15 minutes as the catheter is being set up and wait for another 10-20 minutes for the medication to take full effect.
What is the best time to use Epidural Anaesthesia?
Nowadays, you can start an epidural at any point during your labour. Scientific studies have shown that using epidurals during early labour will not lead to C-section, forceps delivery or prolonged labour. Therefore, as soon as you arrive at the hospital, ask the anaesthesiologist to start the medication before active labour kicks in.
Do all hospitals offer them?
Not all hospitals in Australia offer epidurals. It all depends on whether an anaesthetist is available to administer it and monitor you for the time you have the epidural. You should do your research first before going to any hospital.
Will you be able to walk after the treatment?
Immediately after childbirth, your legs might feel a little weak and tingly, so it might not be a good idea to walk around. The medical staff will let you know what you can and can’t do.
Is it safe for everyone?
Unfortunately, not all women are good candidates for epidurals. If you have low blood pressure, blood infection, blood disorder or any other complications, you should stay away from epidurals. Your anaesthetist will ask your medical history to consider whether an epidural will be appropriate for you.