News Flash: Babies Cry

3 min read
News Flash: Babies Cry

Dealing with young children isn’t easy. As Mums, we’re all over that. Like a rash. But unfortunately for Queensland mum Trish LaForty, she was blessed with one of those babies that cries. You know the ones? The ones that cry when they don’t want to go to sleep. Or when they’re having their nappy changed. Or when you say no so they don’t end up ruling the roost.

Aahh yes. One of those. AN ORDINARY, NORMAL CUTE BABY.

So imagine her shock when she received an anonymous note in her letterbox accusing her of being a terrible mother.

The note read: ‘You may be able to ignore youre baby crying but we are tired of listening to him crying non stop all day’ CAPITAL LETTERS. All day UNDERLINED THREE TIMES.

Woah! Firstly, who doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re these days?! What is the world coming to?

Oh, and also, what sort of neighbour sits around for days thinking such horrible things, long enough to end up writing a note about it, without knocking on the freaking door to see if poor new mother neighbour needs some SUPPORT?

According to the Daily Mail Australia’s news report on the matter ‘You may be able to ignore your baby crying but we are tired of listening to him’: Mother’s anger after anonymous note was pushed through her mailbox, all of her other neighbours are shocked someone would do this and Ms LaForty has no idea who it could be.

As Ms Laforty says to the Daily Mail, ‘Every baby has good days and bad days. Parents should be able to have the support from their community, I think it’s sad that there are still people out there who lack the true feel of what a community should be.’

She’s right. In fact, I like the sound of her. I really liked how she posted in her local community Facebook page about it and put it out there: ‘You didn’t even have the guts to come knock on our door,”¦and didn’t leave your name, number or address.’ So did her community. She received overwhelming support for her post, in retort to the anonymous note, in the form of hundreds of likes and inboxed messages of support and encouragement.

It’s great to see a community in action, as the old saying goes: ‘it takes a village to raise a child’, and without villages families need to rely on their communities to support and encourage them.

Ms LaForty also seemed on top of it. All over it, in fact. But let’s pretend for a minute she wasn’t? Wasn’t ok that is. Maybe had no support. Maybe really struggling. And then received that note?

Either way. That note is a disgrace to their community.

Young children add so much vibrance and fun to a community, and should be a part of everyone’s lives. I love seeing the faces of sheer joy mine can induce, in just about anyone. Well, when they’re being cute any way. Because, NEWS FLASH: babies cry.

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The Bowl

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