7 Different Ways to Record Your Baby’s Milestones

4 min read
7 Different Ways to Record Your Baby’s Milestones

7. Journal

Writing a journal to your child is a great way to record those day-to-day memories and milestones. Writing a page or two for each entry is plenty and you don’t need to write in it every day so it isn’t too time-consuming or onerous. You can stick things in it like entry passes, tickets and even photos. What a wonderful keepsake that you and your child can read over together later in life.

8. Milestone Cards

You can now get an array of beautifully designed milestone cards for all the cute things babies do and learn along the way. Simply give one to your child to hold, or pop next to it if it is too little for that yet, and take a snap! Viola!

How do you record your child’s milestones? What sorts of things do you record?

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Kelly Ninyette

Kelly Ninyette, a long time public servant, is currently on maternity leave. Kelly is a blogger, a FIFO wife and a SAHM to her 15 year old step daught...Read Moreer and one year old son. When she is not changing nappies or trying to avoid questions about algebra homework, she can be found in the kitchen cooking up a storm, at her craft desk crafting away or hiding away in the bedroom typing an article or reading a book. Read Less

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