As soon as you have a baby people start asking, ‘so when’s the next one coming along?’ And, sooner or later, this may be something that you are thinking about. Some people choose to have a very small age gap between their babies as this provides a playmate for life and can also make it a lot easier to raise them together; while others prefer to have a break between babies and take a breather before going through it all over again. So what are some of the pros to taking your time and leaving a larger age difference between your little ones? Here are some of the benefits we could think of:
More attention
One of the biggest benefits to waiting between bubs is that your older one will be a little more independent and you can spend more time with your new bub. For example, your older one could be in school already and you have the school hours to spend time with your little one without having to share your attention between siblings.
Older children are also a little less inclined to feel resentful over a new baby. Younger children, such as toddlers, can get quite upset about sharing mummy with a new baby and may act out because of this. Of course, it is up to you as super mum to balance your children, regardless of the age gap. While your older one may be happy to play on their own, it is still important to dedicate one on one time with them each and every day.
More Control
With an older child you may have a pretty good routine in place and your life may be a little less chaotic. They probably won’t nap anymore and have a set bedtime, wake time and meal time plan in place. The first couple of years with a new baby can be difficult and it’s a learning process to establish a regular routine that caters to you both. When you introduce a new baby into the world with an older child, it is often easier to adapt bub into your already established routine.
Less Exhaustion
With an older child you have most likely kissed those sleepless nights goodbye. Sure, your little one may wake up once if they wet the bed or if they are sick but you are probably enjoying a better night’s sleep and thus are a little more ready to tackle the sleepless nights and exhaustion all over again.
More Help
And, finally, with an older child you may find that you can convince him or her to actually help out. Rather than having a toddler crying at your leg demanding attention during the baby’s bath time, your older child may be happy to help out. They may be happy to help you with a lot of the baby-related chores, from feeding to cleaning and, in time, you can use their services even more as a free or very cheap babysitter! Bonus!!!
Jenna Galley lives in Cairns, Queensland with her husband, two small children, Jacob and Jade, and dog Koah. She is a freelance writer and small business owner as well as an avid reader and wine drinker