6. Haemorrhoids Could Happen
If you’ve got constipation, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll also get haemorrhoids because your future child loves you and wants you to be happy. Even if you work really hard to treat your constipation, you still need to try and go, and pushing too hard means these delightul veins are going to be a part of your life. Even if you don’t get them during pregnancy, you’re more than likely to get a dose during labour, so prepare!
7. Things Swell
If you’ve ever looked at a balloon and wondered what it must be like to be one, you won’t need to wait too long. Around halfway through that miracle of life, you might find yourself a little bit more swollen than usual… everywhere. The body proceeds around 50% more blood and body fluids during pregnancy, and you might find you can’t fit into your shoes or put on your wedding ring. Along with that, your vagina can feel a bit like someone way overfilled it with air, leading to a decidedly puffy sensation.
8. You’ll Get Some Abilities
Some pregnant women are lucky enough to experience some supernatural abilities during their pregnancy, apart from the obvious one of growing a baby from scratch. We’re talking about your sense of smell, which in the early days of pregnancy can be absolutely superhuman! Unfortunately, this means that almost any strong smell could trigger your gag reflex and morning sickness, meaning stay away from foot odour and pungent foods!
9. Oh, And There’s Acne
You know baby hormones? They’re great for so many things, and they sure do give you that pregnancy glow. Unfortunately, they might also give you acne. Yeah, talk about thirteen going on thirty, those hormones can result in enormous pop-tastic spots all over your body, which will go great with all that facial hair you’re growing. Did you think pregnancy was glamorous? Think again!
10. There’ll Be Brain Fog
Many people think that the brain fog accompanying pregnancy, sometimes referred to as baby brain, is a myth, but they’re wrong. In fact, this pregnancy-induced ditziness is a hallmark for pregnancy. You can expect to forget why you’re in a room, or a store, forget where your things are, forget your own phone number and even whether you locked the door. It sucks, and as usual, it’s caused by pregnancy hormones playing havoc in your body, so fun!