10 Signs Your Baby is Teething

6 min read

Teething is never a fun time for a baby, or for their parents. It can be painful, disruptive, and very confusing for both the baby and for first-time parents.

That’s why it’s so important to know the signs of teething. The age at which most babies get their first teeth is different, so you can’t really calendar it in or plan for it. However, you can look for the teething signs and symptoms, which can occur as early as 1-2 months before teething begins in earnest.

Of course, for new parents the signs of teething can be a big mystery. That’s why we’ve created this article, to help new mums and dads identify the signs and symptoms of teething, and be prepared to deal with them. Remember, when you’re in the middle of teething troubles, it seems like it takes forever but it will be over soon!

1. More Biting And Chewing

Being in the middle of the teething process means your baby may bite and chew more than usual. They could bite anything from toys, spoons, and even your breasts, nipples or skin in general. Babies tend to bite at this stage because doing so relieves pressure on the gums as the teeth are moving. So if you notice more biting and chewing, your little one could be teething!

2. Lots Of Drool

Parents will probably identify this one easier because it’s similar to the very early stages of a baby’s life when they’re still learning to swallow saliva. Excessive drooling also occurs during teething because more saliva is created in the process. More drool means it’s more than likely you’ve got some teeth coming up! In some cases, there’s so much drool that babies might suffer a chin rash from constant wetness, which is another thing to look out for.

3. Unusually Fussy, Particularly At Night

Another way to tell if your baby is teething is if they become fussier than normal, particularly during the night. A baby who usually sleeps throughout the night but then starts to wake up several times searching for comfort could be teething. The reason babies wake up more in the nights is that the pain is there and there isn’t anything to distract them as there might be during the day.

So if your good sleeper is suddenly waking up at night and very early in the morning, it could be teething.

4. A Mild Fever

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It’s important not to discount the mild fever in association with teething, as many babies do experience it. However, a fever that’s any more than mild is unlikely to be caused by teething and is more likely to be the result of an infection. So, if your child is suffering a fever that you think might be related to teething, make sure you keep a very close eye on it and head to the doctor if it persists.

5. Cheek Rubbing & Ear Pulling

Babies don’t like having teething pain, and many will attempt to self-massage to ease the pain they’re in. So, if you notice your child rubbing their cheeks or pulling on their ears, it could be a sign of teething. Ear pulling is also a sign of ear infections, so don’t just ignore it. The cheek rubbing and ear pulling happen when molars are coming in, and the pain travels through the head.

6. The STINKIEST Diarrhoea

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Many parents believe that teething can cause diarrhoea in infants and youngsters, but the symptom is not widely accepted by medical professionals. The myth around teething and diarrhoea is that excessive saliva can disrupt a baby’s digestion and cause the problem. More likely is that babies attempting to relieve gum pressure are putting many new things in their mouths, which might not be clean. In any case, keep your eyes open!

7. Cold-Like Symptoms

Symptoms like coughing, a runny nose, and sneezing, all commonly associated with the flu, could be another sign that your child is teething. Like diarrhoea, many doctors don’t necessarily believe there is a connection between these symptoms and teething. Rather than being caused by teething, the cold and flu symptoms are likely a result of a bacteria or infection picked up from putting more things in the mouth. Don’t even discount those symptoms! If you’re worried, get them checked out!

8. Decreased appetite

Another way to tell your baby is teething is when your baby refuses to eat. When babies are in pain, particularly pain that is in the mouth, they generally aren’t that keen on eating as it might cause more pain. However, it’s still recommended that you offer them food regularly, even if they only eat a small amount, and try to keep them as hydrated as possible. If the decreased appetite continues, see your doctor.

9. Excessive Crying and Irritability

Yes, one of the most challenging symptoms of teething is lots of crying and a generally irritable nature, something that quickly catches on with both parents! The tooth rising to the surface of the gum is uncomfortable for your little one, and remember, their own way to communicate is by crying. So, if you notice more crying and bad moods, try and understand. They could be a sign of teething.

10. Tooth Buds

Of course, the most obvious sign of teething is that tooth buds will be appearing in your child’s mouth. If you look, you should be able to see small bumps on your child’s gums, and with a clean finger you should be able to run your hand over them and feel the tooth underneath. If you feel this, you know your child is teething, so get onto some remedies and comfort for them!

Every baby is different, and because the signs and symptoms of teething can also be signs of more serious issues, it’s important not to be complacent. Home remedies for teething can take a number of forms, from gum massage to teething rings, cold foods, and general comfort.

If you’re concerned about any signs you’re seeing, and you aren’t sure whether they’re related to teething, make sure you have a chat with your doctor!

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Cherie Bobbins

Cherie Bobbins creates an authentic account of motherhood from the front-lines with a central theme of empowering other mothers through Cherie's first...Read More hand experiences. Her aim for every piece of content created is to serve someone, sparking them to exclaim, "OMG, Cherie Bobbins totally gets me, it's exactly what I needed and I am not alone!" Residing in Melbourne, experiencing four seasons in one day, Cherie has had an overflowing, clean basket of laundry on rotation since January 2015. Cherie is a life hacker, professional laundry dodger and mother of two. Read Less

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