The woman and voice behind the hoot-tastic purple owl starring beside Jimmy Giggle, on ABC’s Giggle and Hoot, has been tinkering with some new tunes”¦
Which reminds me, I must get our TV wall mounted because my 1.5yo son keeps whacking the screen trying to pop the bubbles in Nay Nay’s song, Bubble Pop! He’s obsessed!
1. SAHM fans love a little Jimmy Giggle, what’s it like to work with him?
Haha – I’ll bet they do! 😉 Jimmy is great and much like the guy you see on TV everyday – he’s very funny and full of energy. Kids (and mums!) respond so strongly to him because he is the real deal – big heart, big smile and really silly.
2. You’ve also got a new TV show in the pipeline, tell us about Tinkertime?
Tinkertime is a developing TV show that embraces engineering, creating and thinking about how things work! Nay Nay loves to wonder at the world and experiement with new ideas, and isn’t afraid to make mistakes – she knows that making mistakes is part of learning. I think kids are natural engineers. They love sand castles, trains, blocks, making, drawing, and other projects that support their fantasy play, and Tinkertime is the perfect mix of those things.
3. Like many mums you seem to have heaps on your plate, how do you manage, or are you like the rest of us who just make it up as we go and hope for the best?
I love the myth of the working parent who has everything in life functioning perfectly. If you are one of these parents, please let me know the formula!
4. We have a daily Wine O’Clock Chat with our Facebook community and love to hear what our fans have to say to some odd ball questions:
Firstly, I love wine o’clock!
5. What’s something you love to cook, but can’t stand to eat?
Lol – cook is a loose word in this”¦. but, I revert to the ease of tinned spaghetti on nights when I don’t have time to serve dinner – but seriously, if it was me sitting down to that mush, I’d probably fling it at the wall.
6. If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?
HANDLE WITH CARE – especially before cup of tea, after a glass (or two!) of wine, or on rainy days indoors with children!
7. What would you tell your younger self in only 2 words?