No exemption – every mum lies.
Mums may look as if they have their shit together, but actually, they don’t. So they have to resort to telling little lies (most of which are funny, depending on how you look at it!) to gain some control over things. Here are 20 little lies all mums tell their kids!
(Admit it – you’re guilty, too!)
1. “If you tell me the truth, you won’t get in trouble.”

2. “Maybe” or “We’ll see.”

3. “Later.”

4. “I’ll be back in 5 minutes.”

5. “That (obnoxiously loud) toy doesn’t work anymore.”

6. “You can have that when you’re older.”

7. “The music means the ice cream truck’s out of ice cream.”

8. “The toy shop is closed.”

9. “We’ll do that tomorrow.”

10. “It’s the same thing.”

11. “It’s spicy, you wouldn’t like it.”

12. “These are my vitamins.”

13. “If you keep making that face, it will stay that way.”

14. “You can be anything you want to be when you grow up!”

15. “I don’t play favourites.”

16. “I know what I am doing.”

17. “I’m listening.”

18. “You’re handsome/beautiful!”

19. “Go ahead, do whatever you like.”

20. “I’m full, you can have the last piece.”

Ain’t no shame in the lying game……sometimes.