6. Caffeine
Obviously if you are breastfeeding your baby, stimulants such as coffee and tea should be avoided after lunch. I know it is tempting in the night to make yourself a cuppa while you are sitting up with bubs but you don’t want to be keeping them awake.
7. Late Night Feed
Some mothers swear by the late night feed. This is the practice of picking up the sleeping baby, trying not to disturb them too much and feeding them just before you yourself go to bed. This can lengthen the night sleep for baby and therefore mum too.
8. Do Nappy Change First
If you do have to get up to bubs in the night, try to change their nappy first. Changing can be most unpleasant in the night. The baby is really awake by the time it is over and to follow with a cuddle and feed is a much more inductive to sleep.
9. Watch your vibe
Babies are intelligent little beings. Just because we don’t know what they are saying don’t think they don’t know what we are saying and thinking. Always try to keep your mood optimistic and loving. It can be very hard when you have had two hours sleep this week! But working on this can have a positive impact from day one.
10. Sleeping Together
If you find yourself sleeping with baby make sure you a following all of the safety tips available. Co sleeping can be wonderful bonding time. Try to keep eye contact with your baby. You can send them off to sleep by blinking really slowly and lazily. They will follow you. Try stroking down their face and over their eyes. This will encourage them to close their eyes and go off to dream land.
11. Let Baby Cry
Once your baby gets to be about 4 months of age it starts to get an idea that there is stuff going on outside the nursery. It, like any intelligent being, does not want to miss anything and can occasionally be very hard to settle. If you suspect this is happening and becoming a bit of a habit you can try letting them cry it out. Give them a short cuddle, assure them it is time for sleep and walk out. Wait out of site for a period of time say 5 10 minutes and return to baby if they haven’t settled. Repeat this process and lengthen the time away a little each time until they do fall asleep. Be gentle but firm. This can really work but it can also be your undoing if you weaken and lift them out.