As a first-time mum, you do tend to get a bit cocky, thinking about how everything will be PERFECT for you and bub. Your life won’t change that much – baby will just fit right in!
As your due date nears, you imagine the beautiful scenario of giving birth, how you’ve read all the books and looked through all the parenting websites, and you just know you will have this shit handled. Then, as you hold your precious one, you think about the sweet perfection of the moment and the days to come.
Oh wait! Say whaaat? Beautiful scenario of giving birth? Perfection of the days to come? No, this mum thinks, NOT!
When your due date arrives comes the real challenge — labour pains like no other and messy AF hair — and when you finally get to go home with bub, there goes your good night’s sleep and all the time on your hands, out the window.
Here are 10 things you will never, ever, like definitely never, hear a first-time mum say:
1. “I really enjoyed giving birth, like I can do that again!”

2. “I slept like a baby last night.”

3. “I have so much energy.”