3. Homework Caddy
You’d be surprised just how much stationary the average homework-doing student might need over the course of a single school year. Homework activities might call for coloured pencils, for pens instead of pencils… You get the idea. The problem is if you aren’t organised, you’re going to spend the entire homework window hunting around for pens, pencils, sharpeners and erasers. So do yourself, and your child, a favour and create a homework caddy. There are tons of ways to do it, and Pinterest is a great place to start.
4. Separate For Success
If you have more than one child, you probably know just how distracting they can be to each other when they’re supposed to be doing homework. Many kids, when they aren’t focused or they don’t really care about what they’re doing, will go out of their way to annoy their sibling. Now, we can’t do anything about sibling relationships, but you can do something about that. Make a point to separate your children if they cannot work on their homework together, either by using desk separators, or by putting them in separate rooms during homework time.