Kate Gwilliam

1 min read
Kate Gwilliam

Name: Kate Gwilliam

Job Title: Office Manager

Where Do You Live? Gympie, Queensland

Who Are You Mummy To?  I have 4 children, 2 have left home and one in primary school and one in high school. I have been a single mum for 2 years now and have worked for SAHM for that time.

What Did You Do Before Having Kids: Worked at Woolworths as a Checkout Chick J

What Do You Do Now (Other than work for SAHM): I am the Office Manager at SAHM so I am in the office from 9am to 3.30pm then I go home to finish the working day from my home so  I am there for the homework with the kids and getting dinner ready.

Why Do You Enjoy Working for SAHM: I love it, if there is a problem with the kids I can just drop what I am doing and go. Kids come first!

Three Favourite Things in Life:

  1. Winnebago
  2. Purple
  3. Sex

Two Things That May Surprise People About You:

  1. That I can run
  2. I have the weirdest wacked out dreams every night.

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