How to Organise Toys So They Don’t Get Under Your Feet

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How to Organise Toys So They Don’t Get Under Your Feet

How to Organise Toys So They Don’t Get Under Your Feet

Are you finding it hard to remember what your house looked like before you had children? Does every corner of your house have some sort of toddler bike, Jumperoo or toy box filled to the brim with pieces of Lego, Barbie heads and mismatched puzzle pieces? Welcome to the world of having children!

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These days there are so many different toys on the market for kids that it can be easy to get a little out of hand, especially with your first. Furthermore, with birthdays, Christmas and visits from family and friends, your child probably has more toys than he will ever need. If you are finding it hard to move around in your house and cannot find a corner that doesn’t contain a toy anymore, then this is a sure sign that you may have a toy-hoarding problem. We have a few tips for toy organization made easy!

Storing and Shelving Toys

You may not want to throw out all of these lovely toys, especially if you are planning on having more children later on or if your kids do play with the toys, but wouldn’t it be nice if there was one spot in the house, out of the kitchen, the living room and the dining area, that housed all the toys? This is possible with a little toy organization.

The good thing is that there are several different types of toy boxes in all shapes, colours and sizes that are designed to help you organize different types of toys. There are special bookshelves for books, treasure chests for larger items such as stuffed animals, colourful bins for blocks, wicker baskets for blankets, shelving units for puzzles and different compartments for toys with several different pieces. You can also get smaller containers to hold things like paint brushes, crayons and racing cars.

Teach your children where each toy goes and help them clean up after the day. If you have space why not convert your guest room into a playroom or toy room designed for this purpose? If you don’t have space, then you can choose one corner or area in the house (perhaps a den if you have one) to keep all the toys.

Designated Areas for Toys

My boy’s toys are sorted into the following:

  • Nerf Guns
  • Swords
  • Other weapons
  • Lego Bin

The Simple Art of Toy Tidying

Recently we did a complete revamp of our house because we thought we needed more space. However, after some major toy organization, it turns out we have more space than we thought. In fact, our house is so de-cluttered and organized that selling actually seems a little silly now we just needed to find a suitable home for all of those toys blocking the space!

Finding the time to actually organize all of these items will not only make things neater but it can also be beneficial to you and your little one too:

  • Find some Zen in a cleaner, more manageable house
  • Teach your children the importance of tidying up and putting things where they belong after using them
  • Give your children a sense of identity and space by letting them have their own special area in the house where all their thing live
  • Keep your house much safer without the risk of tripping over swings and trampolines every time you turn around

Try it. Spend a weekend organizing the toys in your home and making a playroom, kid’s room or special area where all the toys live. Take back your living room and breathe a sigh of relief at how much space you actually have!

Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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