8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

4 min read
8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

Whether it’s all the time, once a year, or every few years, we all moved house at one stage or another.

We have done it and we hate it all the time.

It really sucks to pack a house only to unpack it to get it all prim and proper once again. Of course, we all want to do it on the cheap, so here are a few tips for moving houses and keeping the escalating costs as low as possible!

1. Boxes on a Budget

Always try to collect free boxes from supermarkets, stores, friends, factories, etc. Most supermarkets either have a box area, or just simply ask. It costs them money to dispose boxes so they are always happy to give them away! Don’t make the mistake of packing the boxes too heavy (especially BOOKS!!!) – distribute the weight evenly. You don’t want to go to move and find they are too heavy!

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

2. Transport Tricks

Borrow trailers, horse trailers, utes, or trucks wherever possible. If you need to hire a trailer or vehicle, make sure you ring around and get the best price!

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

3. Frugal Food Prep

Make up a few days worth of dinners, lunches and snacks ahead of time and pop them in the freezer. On the morning on the move, pop some ice into an esky and place the meals in there! This saves wasting time and money on takeaway foods. I always make sure the microwave is usually the first item that is in the house as well as a box of knives, forks, spoons and a couple of coffee cups, plastic cups, sugar, tea and coffee then you can reheat anything and at least you can have a hot meal on your first night in the new place.

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

4. Utilities

Shop around for better deals on gas, electricity and internet/phone connections.

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

5. Cull Your Crap

One thing we love to do is do a major clean out. Throw out all those unwanted items that are broken, stained or are hopefully used for a rainy day thing. This limits the amount of boxes you need to make, which in fact can limit the cost of fuel slightly. If you have a lot of furniture, items, clothing, etc. for a charity store, see if they will come and pick them up rather than you making a special trip.

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

6. Trash and Treasure

A few weeks before moving, hold a garage sale. Sell clothes you no longer like or fit, and kids toys, books, and gifts that you were given and don’t like (I bet we all have a few of them stashed in the back of the cupboard). A bit of extra money will help out with the move!

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

7. Going Postal

Go to your local Australia Post and pick up a moving kit. There is an application form for a redirection order for your mail, and some valuable information on transferring your utilities to the new address!

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

8. Insurance

Make sure you ring your contents insurer to make sure you are insured for the move. Don’t assume you will automatically be covered. If not, seriously consider getting a policy! Sure, it is an additional cost, but if the furniture falls off the back of a truck or your television gets rained on, it will be well worth the expense!

8 Frugal Tips For Moving House

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8 Frugal Tips For Moving House 1 | Stay at Home

Jody Allen
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Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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