How to Organise Your Pantry (And Make it Insta-Worthy!)

17 min read
How to Organise Your Pantry (And Make it Insta-Worthy!)

Is your pantry always getting into a mess? Can you never find what you are looking for? Are pests getting into your food? You need this guide on how to organise your pantry!

A perfect pantry means different things to different people. To me – a pantry is a practical space where my food is stored in a way that is easy to find, stored correctly away from common pantry pests and most importantly – in a way that will extend the shelf life of the food for as long as possible. I also want to have the right ingredients in my pantry so that I can whip up a meal quickly and easily.

But we will get to that – first – pantry organisation!

Feeling overwhelmed at organising your pantry? Don’t worry – follow our simple steps and you will have it looking Instagram-worthy in no time!

Why Organise Your Pantry?

The goal of organising your pantry is to:

  • Keep your food fresher for longer
  • To make all your food easily locate
  • To lessen the change of wastage (ie expired used by dates and pest soiling)
  • To make your pantry pretty!

Table of Contents:

1. A Great Start is a Clean Pantry
2. Organise Your Pantry into Food Groups
3. Decanting Containers
4. Labelling Your Pantry Containers
5. Options if You Are Limited on Space
6. Going Shopping for Your Pantry Containers
7. Best Places to Shop for Pantry Containers
8. Best Brands for Pantry Organisation
9. Shop for Pantry Staples

More Reading:

How to Organise Your Pantry (And Make it Insta-Worthy!) I Stay at Home Mum
The OXO Pantry Starter Kit

1. A Great Start is a Clean Pantry

Take a big breath, put your big girl panties on – and take EVERYTHING out of your pantry. Yes this is a big job and may take a few hours – but don’t worry – you will get this done!

Clean the Actual Pantry

A lot of people think that organising their kitchen means organising the things in their pantry, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, the best way to organise your kitchen is to actually clean the pantry. This may seem like a daunting task, but it’s really not that bad.

Start by taking everything out of the pantry and wiping down the shelves. Then, sort through all of the food and get rid of anything that is expired or that you know you won’t eat. Once you’ve done that, you can start putting things back in the pantry.

But this time, take the time to organise things so that they are easy to find and grab when you need them. For example, put all of the cereal in one place and all of the snacks in another. Trust us, taking the time to clean and organise your pantry will make your life a lot easier in the long run.

Hint: Use a few drops of Peppermint Oil in your cleaning spray bottle – Peppermint Oil naturally repels ants and other creepy crawlies, plus it makes your Pantry smell amazing!

Ditch all the Out of Date Food Products

Do you ever feel like your pantry is a never-ending black hole of outdated food products? You’re not alone. It can be tough to keep track of expiration dates, especially when we don’t use certain items very often. But letting those old products hang around can be a waste of money and space.

Plus, it can be hard to find what you’re looking for when your pantry is cluttered with expired goods. So how can you organise your pantry and get rid of all the out-of-date food products? Here are a few tips:

Check Expiration Dates Regularly

Make it a habit to check the expiration dates on all your pantry items every time you go to the grocery store. This way, you’ll always know when an item is about to expire and you can use it up before it goes bad. Also if you have multiple items in your pantry, make sure you put the ones that expire first at the front.

Don’t Be Afraid to Throw Things Out!

It can be tough to throw away food that we paid good money for, but holding onto expired products is both a waste of money and space. If an item is past its expiration date, toss it.

Clear Storage Containers Make it Easy to Find the Food You Need

Storing pantry items in clear containers can help you keep track of what you have on hand. Use a whiteboard marker to write down the expiration date on the back so you can keep track – or – cut the expiration date from the original box and pop it into the container with the food.

Following these simple tips, you can easily organise your pantry and get rid of all the out-of-date food products. By keeping on top of expiration dates and making sure to use up old products before they go bad, you can save both money and space in your home. So don’t wait any longer – get started today!

Throw Away (Or Donate) Food Items You Won’t Use

Even if you’re the best of meal planners, there’s always a chance that you’ll end up with food items that you won’t use. Maybe you bought too much of a certain ingredient, or you made a dish that didn’t quite turn out the way you wanted.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to get rid of these items before they start to take up space in your pantry. An organised pantry is a happy pantry, after all.

One option is to simply throw away the unwanted items. This is usually the easiest solution, but it can feel wasteful if the food is still edible. If you’d rather not waste perfectly good food, another option is to donate it to a local food bank or soup kitchen.

This way, you know that your unwanted groceries will be put to good use. So next time you find yourself with a few extra cans of soup or boxes of pasta, don’t hesitate to clear them out of your pantry. Your future self will thank you!

Make a Shopping List of Food Items You Need to Replenish Your Pantry

A well-organised pantry can be a godsend when it comes to cooking. Not only does it make it easier to find what you need, but it also helps to prevent food waste. When your pantry is full of healthy and delicious ingredients, it’s easy to whip up a nutritious meal without resorting to processed or unhealthy foods.

However, pantries can quickly become cluttered and chaotic, making it difficult to find what you need when you need it. To keep your pantry in tip-top shape, it’s important to regularly replenish your supply of food items. This shopping list will help you organise your pantry and stock up on all the essentials.

2. Organise Your Pantry Foods into Distinct Groups

The next step with pantry organisation is to sort your food into groups. Now everyone does do this a bit differently – but keep it simple. I like to group my foods into the following:

Family Snack FoodsPotato Chips, mixed nuts, trail mix, popcorn, cookies, snack packs, biscuits, etc.

Container Options:

– Baskets
– Clear Plastic Trays
SpicesPepper, thyme, cinnamon, oregano, rosemary, cumin, nutmeg, paprika, etc.

Container Options:

– Spice Rack
– Expanding Shelf
– Round Magnet Tins
Tinned FoodsTuna, beans, sardines, minced meat, mushrooms, corned beef, sausages, soup, etc.

Container Options:

– Gravity Can Feeder
– Expanding Shelf
Pasta, Noodles, Rice EtcPasta, noodles, rice, flour, wheat products, oats, etc.

Container Options:

– Glass Canisters
– Baskets
SaucesMayonnaise, mustard, barbecue sauce, ketchup, chilli sauce, steak sauce, etc.

Container Options:

– Lazy Susan
CondimentsPepper, salt, soy sauce, sriracha, etc.

Container Options:

– Lazy Susan
– Narrow Plastic Trays
Hot DrinksTea Bags, Coffee, Sugar, Milo etc

Container Options:

– Small glass containers
– Sealable tins
CerealsRolled oats, Cornflakes, Rice Bubbles etc.

Container Options:

– Clear Cereal Containers
Sandwich SpreadsVegemite, Golden Syrup, Honey, Peanut Butter

Container Options:

– Clear Plastic Tray
Baking GoodsFlour, baking soda, baking powder, yeast, sugar, sweeteners, powder, dairy, etc.

Container Options:

– Sealable Plastic Box
Pantry ProduceThink potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes etc. The vegetables you keep in a dark place in the pantry.

Container Options:

– Baskets
General Pantry StaplesEverything else that doesn’t fit into the above categories.

Once you have your groupings together – think about how much you use every group. Now I use the Sandwich Toppings every single day – so that is stored right at waist height in the middle of my pantry.

I don’t bake so often anymore – so baking goods are stored on the top shelf.

You get the drift – keep the items you use in the most convenient places in the pantry.

3. The Importance of Decanting

Actual food containers in the market or grocery store come in plastics or sealed airbags. This causes plastic problems, storage space, and shelf-life upon usage.

If you’re anything like me, your kitchen cupboards are crammed full of half-used spices, out-of-date condiments, and mismatched Tupperware. It can be hard to find what you’re looking for, and even harder to keep track of what needs to be used up first.

One simple way to organise your pantry is to decant everything into clear, labelled decanters. This way, you can easily see what you have and how much of it is left.

Plus, it looks a lot nicer than a jumble of opened packets and dusty jars! So next time you’re doing a big shop, pick up some extra containers and take the time to decant your food. Your future self will thank you.

The problem with plastic food containers

If you’re like most people, your pantry is probably crammed full of plastic food containers. From Tupperware to zip-lock bags, these convenient products make it easy to store leftovers and take snacks on the go. However, there are a few downsides to using plastic containers for food storage.

First of all, they’re not very durable and tend to crack and stain easily. Additionally, it can be difficult to find lids that fit properly, leading to frustration and wasted food. Finally, plastic containers are not always safe to use in the microwave or dishwasher, meaning that they need to be hand-washed carefully.

While plastic containers definitely have their uses, it’s important to be aware of their limitations. Decanting food into glass or metal containers is a great way to overcome some of the shortcomings of plastic storage. Glass containers are microwave- and dishwasher-safe, and they won’t absorb stains or odours the way that plastic does. They’re also much more durable, so you won’t have to worry about them cracking or breaking as easily.

Best of all, glass containers can be used over and over again, making them a more sustainable option than disposable plastic bags or containers. If you’re looking for an easy way to organise your pantry and reduce your reliance on plastic, decanting food into glass containers is a great solution.

Why you should decant your food into glass or ceramic and metal containers

Boxes and bags of various shapes and sizes crammed onto shelves, with food spilling out everywhere. It can be tough to find what you’re looking for, and even tougher to keep everything clean. But it doesn’t have to be this way! One simple way to organise your pantry is to decant your food into glass and ceramic containers.

Not only will this help you to see what you have at a glance, but it will also protect your food from pests and keep it fresh for longer. And if you’re worried about plastic leaching into your food, don’t be – there are plenty of glass and ceramic containers that are just as durable as their plastic counterparts.

4. Labelling is Just Smart(And Hell Fun!)

Having a well-organised pantry can make cooking a lot easier. You can save time by being able to find everything you need in one place, and you can avoid wasting food by keeping track of what you have. One simple way to organise your pantry is to label everything.

You can use labels to keep track of expiration dates, so you know when to use something up. You can also use labels to organise your spices, so you can find the right one quickly when you’re cooking. And if you have kids, labels can help them learn where things go and encourage them to be tidier. So don’t be afraid to label your pantry items – it’s just smart organisation.

5. Options if You Are Limited on Space

Even if you live in a small space, you can still have a well-organised and functional kitchen. One way to make the most of limited space is to organise your pantry. If you don’t have a lot of counter space, try using shelves or hanging racks to store often-used items.

And if you’re short on cabinet space, consider using under-the-bed storage containers or stacking bins. Another way to create more storage space is to use vertical solutions, such as wall-mounted spice racks or magnetic knife strips. By utilising every available inch, you can turn a small kitchen into a well-organised and efficient space.

Split or Stacked Shelving

One of the best ways to organise your pantry is to use split shelving. This type of shelving is perfect for storing all types of food, from canned goods to cereals and spices. The shelves are divided into compartments, so you can easily see what you have and how much of it you need.

You can also label each compartment, so you’ll always know where everything is. Split shelving is a great way to keep your pantry organised and tidy. Plus, it’s affordable and easy to install. So if you’re looking for a way to organise your kitchen, split shelving is the way to go.

Utilise Wall Space

Wall space is often under utilised in the home, but it can be a great way to organise your pantry. By hanging shelves on the wall, you can create additional storage space for food items, cookware and small appliances. Wall-mounted shelves can also be used to organise your spices, oils and vinegar, making them easier to find when you need them.

If you’re short on counter space, consider installing a folding table or shelf on the wall. This will provide a flat surface for prep work, and can be easily folded away when not in use. With a little bit of creativity, you can utilise wall space to help organise your pantry and create a more efficient kitchen.

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Hooks Are Your Friend

Organising your pantry with hooks can be a game changer. It can be a bit daunting at first, but once you get started you’ll be surprised at how easy it is. Plus, it’s a great way to find new homes for all those extra kitchen items that always seem to be in the way. And hooks are incredibly versatile – you can use them to hang pots and pans, organise your spices, or even create a breakfast nook.

Counter Top Dispensers

A countertop dispenser can help you organise your pantry and make it easier to access the cereals, grains, oats, and pasta that you need. These dispensers are designed to fit on most kitchen counters and have a clear canister that lets you see how much product is left. They also have an easy-to-use lever that dispenses the desired amount with just a few clicks.

Not only are countertop dispensers convenient, but they can also help to prolong the shelf life of your food. By keeping your cereals, grains, oats, and pasta in a sealed container, you can help to prevent them from going stale or becoming infested with pests.

Trolley Carts

Trolley carts are designed to fit in small spaces, and they come with shelves and drawers to help you keep everything organised. Trolley carts are also easy to move around, so you can easily rearrange your pantry if you need to. Plus, trolley carts are affordable and easy to find!

6. Go Shopping for Your Pantry Containers

It’s finally time to organise your pantry! And what better way to do it than by shopping for some new pantry containers? This way, you can declutter your space and make it more functional. Plus, who doesn’t love a good shopping trip?

When you’re shopping for pantry containers, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • First, think about the types of food you typically store in your pantry. Do you need containers for dry goods, like cereal or flour? Or do you need something for liquid items, like oils or sauces?
  • Once you know what you need, you can start looking at different materials. Glass is always a popular choice because it’s easy to see what’s inside and it’s easy to clean.
  • But if you’re looking for something more affordable, plastic is a good option, too. Just be sure to get BPA-free plastic to avoid any health risks. Also, look for something that can be reused to save the environment!

Once you have your new pantry containers, take some time to label them. This will help you stay organised and make it easier to find what you’re looking for when you need it. You can either use a permanent marker or buy labels that you can write on and reuse. And that’s it! With some new pantry containers, your space will be more organised and functional in no time.

7. Best Places to Shop for Pantry Containers

Now the list of everywhere you can shop (both in-store and online) for pantry containers no matter where you are on Planet Earth!

Stocks pantry container brands such as:
– Oxo
– Lock & Lock Food-Safe
– Click Clack
– Laica Vacuum Containers
– Avanti
See Website
The Container Store

Located in the US, The Container Store is seriously a pantry organisers wet dream. They have EVERYTHING and all their stuff is pretty!

But they are pretty pricey!
See Website

Kmart has been kicking butt in the home decor department and they have a great range of pantry organisation products that are super well-priced.
See Website
Amazon Australia

Amazon stocks all the really great organisational brands – at a really great price.
See Website

8. Best Brands of Pantry Organisation Products

So if you are wanting to know what brands are good – here’s the list!

Best General Brands of Pantry Containers

– Oxo
– Rubbermaid
– Glasslock
– Click Clack
Best Glass Food Storage Containers
– Pyrex
– Le-raz Glass Kitchen Canisters
– O’Cuisine
Lock & Lock
Best Bulk Buy Food Storage Containers

Best Vacuum Seal Food Storage Containers
Fellow Atmos
Best Budget Food Storage Containers
Best Cereal Storage Containers:

OXO Cereal Dispensers
Best Eco-Friendly Food Storage Containers:
– Kitchen Pro Eco Glass with Bamboo Lid
Russbe Reusable Food Storage
Best Pantry Bins:Amazon
Best Range of Pantry Baskets:Amazon

Have you ever struggled to keep your pantry organised? Is there a specific way that you like to organise your pantry?

How to Organise Your Pantry (And Make it Insta-Worthy!) I Stay at Home Mum

Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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