Flies are so damn annoying! Especially when you are preparing food.
Barbecues in Australia are filled with the ‘One Armed Salute’ that is swatting flies and trying to keep them out of your face. If you aren’t a fan of fly sprays or poisons, there are some natural fly repellents you can make with day to day ingredients at home. I have a house that has indoor blinds however it doesn’t have fly screens, so flies can be a nightmare. So I can’t wait to try these methods!
1. Make Your Own Fly Repellent Spray

You can make numerous different fly repellent sprays as there is many different things flies are repelled by. By using a spray bottle mixed with water and one of the following items works as a fantastic repellent.
- Lemon
- Lavender
- Clove Oil
- Lemongrass
- Basil
- Bay leaf
- Mint
- Camphor
- Eucalyptus
- Cucumber
- Vodka
- Aloe Vera
- Cayenne Pepper
- Apple Cider Vinegar
2. Fly paper
You can buy fly papers in store or easily make your own, hang them anywhere, inside and out to attract the flies and stick them to the paper strips.
You can do this by using thin paper, fabric or brown paper, dipping or lathering them in corn syrup and hanging them out to where flies enter the house.
The flies become stuck to the paper and out of mind.

3. Plant herbs
Beneficial for everyone, you get fresh herbs and the flies steer clear. Having plants like Basil, Lavender, Mint, Bay leaf and wormwood planted or situated in pots near your homes entry ways keeps the flies at bay as they hate the scents of the plants. The strongest plant to use is basil.

4. Make a wine bottle trap
Flies love wine like we do. Well almost.. Since it’s fermented the flies are attracted to it, 1/2 or 3/4 empty bottle of red or white wine where the flies enter your home. Place a piece of plastic wrap over the lid securely.
Poke small enough holes for the flies to enter the bottle but they won’t be able to escape. They’ll have a boozy nap goodbye, really its’ a peaceful ending for them.

5. Make your own Fly Trap
Easy as can be, there are so many types of fly traps you can make in your own home within 5 minutes. Using an empty, soda bottle or water bottle, cut the top part of the bottle completely off and turn upside down into the bottom half of the left over part of the bottle.
Place whatever fly attracting items you want in the bottom such as; Corn syrup, rotting potatoes, honey, sticky fruit or vegetables.
Make sure to use the honey or corn syrup to stick the flies in the bottom of the bottle. Place these in the openings of your home such as doorways and large windows.

6. Citronella Candles
No only are they great for mosquito’s they are also a fantastic fly repellent, the smokey aroma of the citronella keep both of these annoying flying insects at bay. Place them under tables, on benches and around house openings, plus they look pretty.

7. Cinnamon Fragrances
Flies are repelled by the spice of cinnamon and when used around your home the flies will soon disappear. Having cinnamon air freshers and other smellies will make you home not only smell beautiful but fly free as well.

8. Cucumber for your bin
Flies are always buzzing around bins and what not, lucky for us they really hate cucumber as well by placing cucumber slices around the lid or place on the top of the rubbish of your inside or outside bins, it will keep the little buggers away.

9. Essential Oils
Essential oils can become great fly repellents and also healthy for your skin. Essential oils are made of plant chemicals and in many cases, these chemicals from plants work to repel predators, often a buggy kind like the flies.
Not all essential oils we see in the market work against pests but here are few ones that are found to be truly effective: Lemon Eucalyptus, Catnip, Neem, Soybean and Cedar.
There are also a number of other essential oils that may provide short-term repellents such as, Pine, Thyme, Vetiver, Bergamot, Peppermint and Tea tree.
You can buy these essential oils or you can also make your own.