Instagram isn’t just a place to brag about your latest bag and let the world know what you had for lunch.
It’s also the go to app for an endless supply of canine cuteness! There are soo many beautiful dogs you can follow and you can choose which ones you can relate to.
Seriously, people are sharing photos and videos of their dogs every second and I can’t get enough of them! They’re sweet little balls of joy and they can take all your stress away.
These dogs are really special to have a million people watching out for every photo or video update.
1) Donut (@heydonut)
Hi I’m Donut! I am half Chihuahua and half Maltese. My attitude is bigger than my bark but my bark is bigger than my bite. I’m more famous than my mama and I love to wear clothes. NUDITY IS NOT FOR ME!
2) Buritto (@burrito_the_corgi)
Buritto has 11.6k followers at the moment. I’m not sure if it’s the name, those eyes, or that incredibly innocent face that makes him soo irresistible!
3) Lil’ Rufio (@lil_rufio)
Joseph Jules Fauria of of the National Football League owns the cutest pomsky on instagram – ever! Lil Rufio made quite a stir when Fauria missed a game against the Jets last 2014 because of a sprained ankle. He hurt himself – missed two steps on the stairs eek! – to thwart his puppy, Lil’ Rufio, from peeing inside the house.
Now I’m only concentrating on getting back on the field ASAP! Please no death threats to Lil’ Rufio, he’s just a pup!, Fauria posted on his twitter account.
4) Shaggy (@nyyankeedog)
Shaggy is a Maltipoo in New York who’s pretty much living the life!
I like the camera life, artwork, meeting celebrities & wearing clothes!
5) Bailey (@the_bailey_beagle)
Bailey is a 3-year-old beagle who lives in Manila, Philippines. He sports a grumpy face but he’s still pretty! His 7,902 followers on Instagram thinks so, too!