Because sitting causes bloating and haemorrhoids, let an ice cream pooping unicorn change the way your kids (and adults too!) poo in this perfect and hilarious potty training video ever!
You heard it right, let a UNICORN teach you and your kids a lesson on your pooping habits in the wackiest advertisement that weirdly makes a lot of sense…with a free taste of rainbow ice cream from a unicorn’s butt!
The Edwards family from Saint George, Utah in the US designed the Squatty Potty and it’s their goal to change the way we poo, one ‘stool’ at a time. This one of a kind product deserves the most clever and goofy commercial with the help of a Prince and a wide-eyed unicorn.
Squatty Potty is not just for ‘bloated lords’ and ‘haemorrhoidal ladies’ “” there’s something in it for all of us LOL!
Watch the Squatty Potty ad and find yourself laughing the next time you go to drop a log…..ahem…