Australia’s 25 Most Famous Bogans
Bogans are said to be crass, vulgar, uncultured, and a lot of other adjectives you can think of, but we are certainly not dull!
There is a little bit of bogan in all Aussies. It’s genetic! Anyone who arrives on our fine shores are automatically dna embedded with thongs, XXX Gold and just a smudge of lamington….
So if you love talking about tax refunds, pandora bracelets, Bundaberg Rum, padlocks and only living once, you Sir (or M’am) are a bonafide bogan!
Here are Australia’s most famous bogans. Bogans that are also famous (not just cashed up!).
1. Poida
Probably the role that put Eric Bana on the map. The iconic Poida, with a mullet us Aussies can be proud of.
2. Warwick Capper
You know you’re classic bogan when they sell your style as a costume… a bogan costume.

3. Jacqui Lambie
This bogan politician’s rather colourful language sets her apart from the boring Parliament. And we love her for it!
4. Ruby Rose
Love her or hate her, you can’t deny that she is one of Australia’s most successful women with a whole lot of bogan in there.
5. Kath & Kim
Okay so they are fictional characters, but no mother-daughter duo is more iconic than Kath & Kim.
6. Ben Cousins
The second footballer on our list, Cousins was recently released from jail and is now building his life again. Good on you,
7. Corey Worthington
What bogan list would be complete without Australia’s most notorious party boy???
8. Shane Warne
Shane Warne is the classic old-school bogan…and pretty much perfected the art of being one.
9. The Chk Chk Boom Girl
Also known as Clare Werbeloff who gained overnight internet fame by lying blatantly about witnessing a shooting. Chk-chk-boom!
10. Russell Coight
Oh nothing much, he’s just behind Australia’s legendary mockumentary, All Aussie Adventures. Duh!
11. Rebel Wilson
Rebel Wilson is a proud cashed-up bogan, according to her. Thank you for making the rest of us look better than we should.
12. Carl Barron
Comic genius Carl Barron can bring out your inner bogan… but does he really need to? I think not!
13. Alf Stewart
Blimey Charlie. Yep, another fictional character. Then again, Alf Stewart’s default mode is peak bogan.
14. Sophie Monk
It’s a mystery why Sophie Monk speaks like a bogan when her parents are posh, but whatever.
15. Constance Hall
Controversial, viral, and outspoken are only few of the words that can accurately describe Constance’s bogan-ness. But we love her for it!
16. Kyle Sandilands
He’s a freaking tosser… That’s how bogan he is!
17. Nathan & Daniel
If you like insults, humiliation, rudeness and crudeness generously sprinkled with your daily dose of feral.
18. Casey Donovan
Extremely talented Casey Donovan can grab a boyfriend while looking like she stayed up all night, so why can’t you.
19. The Honey Badger
Nick Cummins, they say, is the most Australian bloke on the planet. For starters, he speaks his own language.
20. Pauline Hanson
And she is a ranga. Double whammie!
21. Kylie Mole
There’s no other brash, uncouth teen on TV more loved by this nation. PS: You should reaaaally check out her Wikipedia page.
22. Rob Palmer
This DIY extraordinaire is not afraid to speak his mind or style an unsuspecting girl’s hair using a vacuum cleaner.
23. Julia Morris
Classic Julia Morris can be insensitive and thoughtless, but then again, she’s Julia Morris!
24. Amber from Upper Middle Bogan
Foul-mouthed Amber is like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. And explode she does!
25. Angry Dad
Unabashedly showing his frustrations and losing his temper on video, no dad is as more relatable as Angry Dad.
Special Mention Bogans:
These bogans weren’t quite bogan enough for our list, but are still boganesque.
Delta Goodrem
Kylie Minogue
Just make sure you pronounce her surname, “Min Oagggg’
Reggie Bird
Reggie made being a bogan profitable! Reggie is the chick that won the first Big Brother.
Edwina Bartholomew
Gotta love a preggers weather chick who fucks up on a global scale. Go you little Aussie!

Rikki Lee
Rikki Lee goes to show that you can polish a turd.