We’ve covered 30 things that look like a vagina.. So as requested and in the spirit of keeping things fair..
Here are things that look like a penis but aren’t!
Let me take you on a tour — an adventure of penis sightings around the world. So sit down, buckle up and get your rose coloured penis spotting glasses on!
1. Vegetables — keeping it fresh and not so innocent like …this potato!

2. Putting a little extra unexpected heat into your meal”¦

3. Ho ho – ohhhhh!! And you thought Santa was a child friendly chap.

4. Boys and their toys”¦. Even spare parts for their cars are a reflection of themselves!

5. Just chilling by the pool..
hey ladiessss, check me and my large”¦shoulders! Haha

6. Dear Mother Nature,
were you perhaps feeling a little frisky when you came up with this one? hmmm…

7. What a hairy little”¦.wait – what?? Ohhhh it’s a puppy”¦.most awkward indeed :/

8. The trouser snake is a real living thing in nature, and not just a saying.
Most unfortunate name though ‘The Penis Snake’ but it actually looks exactly like that!

9. Be scared they now come with teeth!! Eeek!

10. You’ve heard of Vagina Rock in the Danxiashan Mountains, China?
Well in the SAME park you can also find Penis Rock! Mother Nature — you dirty, dirty girl!

11. Extra Extra read all about it!! Well you don’t have to be able to read to understand what this building reminds us of!
This would be the headquarters of The Peoples Daily Newspaper in Bejing.

12. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the ocean”¦.

13. Looking for a little inspo for your lounge room?
Go no further than the penis lounge it really is the next big thing.

14. Ahhh the Westminster Bridge standing amongst such dignified structures as Parliament House and Big Ben.
The thing is, the Westminster Bridge has a dirty little secret. When the sun shines through it flashes lots and lots of penis’s.

15. If you go out in the woods today, you’re sure to find a big surprise!
An uninvited guest who is single and ready to mingle this mushroom!

16. The Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius doing its thang to look all fabulously penis-y with flair.

17. Behold.. the Penis Plant.
Nice little conversation starter to have on display.

18. Oh these gives a whole new meaning to that prickly feeling.
This cacti is really quite the erotic plant now..

19. A snapdragon bud “¦ innocent, cheerful flower
It doesn’t look so innocent now.

20. The Monkey Orchid just letting it all hang out!

21. The Christian Science Society in Dixon, USA
what are they worshipping, exactly?

22. The days have gone by and they were just so innocent and quite proper”¦..or were they?!
A simple posy holder takes on a very distinct shape”¦hmmm.

23. Bacon, anyone?

24. Strawberries the fruit of love..
but srsly, you don’t really need to spell it out quite so much!

25. I’m thinking they didn’t really think this design through

26. What a gorgeous day to be outside..
Let’s take the kids to the park”¦.just not to this one.

27. This inflatable adventure play equipment needs to be recalled or at least referred to urgent medical attention.
This is actually the slide part and the kids exit via the end red piece. What. The.

28. Rock structures in the Love Valley in Turkey, just in case you had a size complex.

29. Oh Sweet Jesus! The penis is evolving..or is this the original penis? The Axolotl!
The penis now comes with legs, face and some fabulous pizazz neckwear.

30. Say no more”¦though I may have almost peed my pants a little giggling over this one!

So as you see there is beauty — and penises, everywhere.. lots of them!
Egg Shells