It is in every girl’s dream to become a princess — and it is every dad’s nature to treat their little girls like one.
But little JoJo wanted to set the record straight and convince her dad, once and for all, that she is no princess.
JoJo starts out her argument proving facts that she isn’t one.
Her dress certainly isn’t as pretty as the dress-up ones, she adds. It’s just a normal one.
Most importantly, princesses have the BLING.
So how can she be one if she doesn’t have any of them?
Dad continues on and tells the adorable little girl that princesses take off their tiaras and bracelets when they take showers.
JoJo knows quite a lot about the life of a royal — and her dad clearly needs to be educated about them.
While her dad continues to argue that JoJo does have one sparkly necklace on her, she continues that princesses don’t just have one, they have more than one of those sparkly stuff on them.
Clearly, dad, I am no princess without the bracelet.
And you have a lot of reading to do if you want to know about the princess life.