Little Parrot Plays With Paper Towel in Cute Video

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Little Parrot Plays With Paper Towel in Cute Video

Paper towels are part of man’s basic necessities, but for this jolly parrot, it’s part of its entertainment!

This little parrot could well be dubbed the “happiest bird on the planet” as it found joy in a simple thing like a paper towel.

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In the video filmed by its owner, the black headed Caique, which is a subspecies of parrot and can be found in countries such as Brazil, Venezuela and Columbia, can be seen hopping around and seemingly in euphoria as it grabs a paper towel through its beak. It then drops the paper towel on the floor and covered itself in it like a blanket before placing its head inside it for a couple of seconds. It then hopped on it and taking it again by the beak and happily jumps up and down.

This type of bird is said to be intelligent, affectionate, very playful and loves toys. No wonder, this little feathery fella is just having the time of his life in its “toy”. Watch this:

This video uploaded on Little Birds & Friends channel on Youtube has got over 600,000 views.

Isn’t this bird really the happiest?

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