When in labour, most mums-to-be choose to get warm baths and massages, while some do breathing exercises. But to this mum, painful contractions are just a dance away!
One mum in a hospital in Georgia, North America gave warm baths a cold shoulder as she steps up and dance in between contractions to Silento’s smash hit, Whip Nae/Nae.
The video, which was uploaded on Youtube on the Ob-gyn and Midwife Associates’ channel, shows three women, including the pregnant woman in a medical gown and wearing bright yellow socks grooving along the corridor of the hospital. Along with the video is a caption that reads: “I went looking for my patient to see how she was doing with her squatting. This is what I found in between contractions. Get that baby down mommy!”
In the clip, the pregnant mum looks like she was having fun and when she was asked by a member of the staff if she had a contraction during the dance, she said: ‘Nope.’ Check out how this mum easily carries out the moves even with her big baby bump.