How was your weekend mums? We sure hope you had some rest because hey! it’s the start of another week, yet, again!!
So, why not start Monday with talking about mum stereotypes? We all hate it when other people (often, non-parents or fellow mums!) judge us for the way they do our parenting. Can’t they just cut us some slack and appreciate what we actually do?
So, here’s yet another Taylor Swift inspired mum parody which goes out to all stay-at-home mums, working mums, attachment parenting mums, formula mums, Pinterest mums, free-range mums, helicopter mums, sleep-deprived mums — everyone!
Stop all the mum wars and stop letting all these labels make you feel like you’re a bad mum, because you aren’t!
If you want to sing to the video parody anyway, check out the lyrics here!
PS. Check out this awesome ode-to-sexy-mums video parody by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. That should make your day!
Here’s to hoping you have a good laugh..