Nappy Bag

A sturdy nappy bag saves you from having to carry things around in your handbag. You will get the most use out of one that is not too big or too small. So look around and pick one that suits you. Pack bub’s things for the hospital in here and there will be more room in your bag for your things.
In bub’s hospital bag, you will want to pack three changes of clothes, you can opt to use hospital gowns for bub but three changes of clothes will be a good start, if you decide on your own. At least 20 nappies for bub, if you want to use your own. Nappy cream, a dummy if you choose to use one (trust me, not all bubs like them I had two who refused to take them). This will be about all you need for bub in their bag.
Your bag

Pack as small a bag as you can manage as don’t forget, it will be taking up space in your room when all the visitors come. You will need at least four changes of clothes and I recommend at least eight pairs of underwear. Take your maternity bras, overnight pads as some hospital may provide them and others don’t. Breast pads – you will need these even if you are not breastfeeding as your milk will still come in. Don’t forget all your regular toiletries. That’s the basics for you. Don’t forget, hubby can always bring you in anything else you need.