Bath time

A simple baby bath by bathing your bub in the sink to start with is inexpensive. Some face washers just for bub, a nice fluffy towel, and a simple top-to-toe wash will be enough to wash bub in and then you can decide which soaps and shampoos best suit you. You can also buy slings to help hold bub in the bath. Babies should never be left unattended in the bath!

A Car Seat! In Australia, you can hire a baby capsule from your State Ambulance Service for six months for around $50. They will install it for you. When your baby is six months old, return the capsule and they will install your new carseat! It’s a truly wonderful service and they are only too happy to show you how to do it yourself! Make sure you have the capsule fitted at least two weeks before your due date so there isn’t a great big rush right at the end!
All car seats now sold in Australia must comply with the Australian Standards, but still it doesn’t hurt to double check the box when purchasing!