If you’re able to breastfeed, it would be terrific! It will keep your costs right down and save you a bundle. For breastfeeding mums, you will need breast pads. These can be disposable or reusable but will save you from embarrassing leakage. You will also need a spare pillow to help support bub and save your back. At least two sturdy maternity bras, and your own personal water bottle will do. The best advice for keeping milk supply up is to have a glass of water every time you feed bub. One more handy thing is a breast pump. This is not an essential, but it helps if Dad can give bub a bottle. You can hire them from your local hospital or buy your own manual or electric pump.
Not everyone is so lucky to be able to breastfeed however, so it’s a good idea to have some products on hand!!!

Bottles x 6 – Have a few bottles in a few different sizes. I really liked the Avent Bottles, but everyone has different tastes and opinions (all I know is mine lasted two babies no problem at all!). Buy a couple of extra teats as well some babies like to chew them (especially when teeth come through).
Your choice of formula. This is a personal thing and will depend on both your babies need and your personal choice. It always helps to ask friends what they use and why and so some research.
Microwave Bottle Steriliser. You can pick these up for around $20. Of course there are expensive sterlisers out there but the microwaveable ones work great. If you are lucky enough to have a dishwasher, you can use this to do your bottle sterilising, but you must remove the bottles while still hot and store them in a sealed container before use. There are also chemical sterilisers such as Milton just use according to instructions.
Spew Rags. See if you can borrow some old nappies from a friend that has finished with them. They make great over-the-shoulder spew rags”¦.because you know when it’s going to happen!

Onesies you will need about six to start with. They come in long and short for winter or summer. They are the perfect clothes for a newborn. Choose something nice and soft. Personally, I love the Wondersuits, but always buy a size larger than you need. They seem to make them fairly small. They come in lots of colours, wash really well and last!!!
If you’re having a baby in the cold weather, invest in some singlets too.
Also remember if this is baby number 1, there will be so many little baby clothes that will be given as presents that your little one may not even get the chance to wear some of them. So don’t go overboard before bub is born.