You are expecting! Congratulations!!! Now’s the time to start thinking about stocking your nursery. How will you to start?

Getting everything you need for a new baby doesn’t need to be expensive, it just needs to be well thought out. Here is a list of absolute basics – once you’ve got them everything else is a bonus! Also remember there are just some things you shouldn’t scrimp on such as car seats. So spend the money where it’s due, and save your money everywhere else!
Beds & Sleeping

A Cot make sure it complies with Australian Standards. Even if you choose to co-sleep, it’s a good idea to have a cot on standby for when you or your partner might be ill or when the baby gets big enough to start moving around on his or her own! Check for sturdiness and if you buy a second hand cot, ensure the paint is lead free because babies like to chew!

For co-sleeping parents, there is a cosy sleeper you can buy to put bub in between Mum and Dad. This helps minimize the risk of smothering. They retail for around $40 and are a great investment for bub’s safety.
At least two sets of fitted sheets. More if you can afford it. Babies are messy!
When buying a mattress, the best investment I found as they got older was the fact that one side of the mattress had a plastic side. Great for when bub is sick or has little accidents.
A Cotton Blanket or two when it’s cold. Even if you rug your baby up in a onesie and wrap, it still gets cold at night! Stay away from wool blankets if you can, they make some people (and babies) sneeze.
Nappies and Changing

Nappies! – Now if your using disposable, make sure you buy at least one box of newborn. Babies don’t stay little for long. If friends want to buy you presents, suggest nappies! If you’re using MCN’s, it’s probably a good idea to have at least 10 on hand newborns poop a lot more often than you think and you don’t want to be without!
Wipes well, wipes are not essential. Buy a packet of super-soft washers (Big W used to sell them in packs of 15) and use warm water to gently wash the mess away – then throw them in the washing machine with the MCN’s. Wipes are handy for when you leave the house!
Change Table again not an essential. You can use your bed (with an appropriate protective sheet underneath bubba of course), but change tables are handy especially if this is your first baby and your planning on having more. A lot also double as a bath so shop around to get your money’s worth! Make sure it is sturdy and always remember to keep one hand on the baby when changing!
Keep a supply of old shopping bags on hand they are great for disposing of dirty nappies. Of course Nappy Sacks aren’t expensive but why use them when you can use plastic bags first and save yourself some money. Just pop the soiled nappy in the bag, tie a knot, and dispose in your garbage.
A small tube of zinc cream for nappy rash is also handy to have as some little ones have sensitive skin and quickly develop a rash. Some pharmacies even have samples so it pays to ask.