10 Nifty Hints on Preparing for Christmas Right NOW!

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10 Nifty Hints on Preparing for Christmas Right NOW!

Christmas is a crazy time of year. Every year I tell myself I’m going to be super organised and going to smash it out.

This post is brought to you in partnership with our mates at Woolworths

But no – every Christmas I end up fighting with my Mum and crying on the couch because I’m just so overwhelmed!

Not this year – this year, I’m going to have all my elves in a row!

Here is how I’m going to be super organised in 2019!

10 Nifty Hints on Preparing for Christmas Right NOW!

1. Start Baking and Freezing

If slaving over a hot oven isn’t your idea of a great Christmas, why not start a bit earlier? You can start baking certain freezer-friendly foods as much as two months before. Foods like un-iced biscuits, cakes, chocolate truffles, and breads all keep well if wrapped. If you are time poor, grab some of the delicious finger food now available and pop a few in the freezer every shop.

A few of the items that I’ve already stashed in my freezer for the Christmas period:

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2. Grab Environmentally Friendly Disposable Plates

If you’re hosting any meals or Christmas events at your home, it’s always a good idea to ensure you have enough crockery (as well as chairs and table space) to accommodate your guests. Pay attention to plates, bowls, cups and cutlery, as well as serving platters, serving utensils etc.

There is now a great range of environmentally friendly disposable items too.

Disposable Plates | Stay At Home Mum

3. Finalise Your Christmas Menu

If you know in advance what you are making for Christmas Dinner, this stops the ‘overspending’ that we all tend to do at the supermarket during the silly season.  A fixed menu means a fixed ingredient list. Tick them off as you go. If you don’t write it down, prepare to spend big!

254514 | Stay at Home Mum.com.au

4. Pre-Buy Longer Life Items Every Shop to Reduce the Overall Cost

Your grocery list should be starting to come together by now, so head out and get your pantry items all ready. To save yourself some more time and effort, get your pantry items in an online shop and have it delivered. These are often heavy, so it saves you from having to lug them yourself.  Pre-Buy items like; Soft Drink, Woolworths Christmas Puddings, Chocolate Desserts, Nuts, Chips and Nibbles, including Frozen finger foods, Frozen Turkey Plates, Cups and Cutlery and Gift vouchers.


Pre-Buy items like;

  • Soft Drink
  • Christmas Puddings and Desserts
  • Chocolate, Nuts, chips and Nibbles
  • Frozen finger foods
  • Frozen Turkey
  • Plates, Cups and Cutlery
  • Gift vouchers

Woolworths Half Leg Ham

5. Pull out all Your Christmas Decorations

Throw away any broken or tired-looking decorations. Think about the colour scheme you might want this year (we are going silver and purple) – and start grabbing bits and pieces every shop.

bigstock A year Blond Boy Decorating 272477671 | Stay at Home Mum.com.au

6. Visit the Confectionery Aisle

Blocks of chocolate make the perfect ‘I’m thinking of you’ gift for neighbours and friends.  Cheap – and let’s face it – who doesn’t love getting a block of chocolate! Grab a few, wrap them and place them under your tree.  Perfect for when you receive an unexpected gift – then you have something to give them in return!


7. Start buying gift cards every shop

Grab a $5 or $10 gift card every time you shop.  You can either use them as gifts, or they can contribute to that large last shop just before Christmas Day.  You can grab a vast array of gift cards at Woolworths!

woolworths gift cards | Stay at Home Mum.com.au

See the range of Gift Cards HERE

8. Order a Woolworths Christmas Deli Platter

I love this time of year because the range of Christmas Platters come out they are super affordable, and easy cause ‘I ain’t got time for dat!’  You can even order these via Woolworths online and have them delivered! (Just give 36 hours’ notice when ordering!).

See the amazing range of Deli Platters here!

Image result for woolworths christmas platters

9. Dedicate a spot in your pantry and freezer just for Christmas

Overspending is the biggest waste of money this time of year.  Have a dedicated space for all your Christmas groceries in both your pantry and freezer.  Let the family know they aren’t to be touched – or even better, put them up high so little hands can’t reach!

Pantry | Stay At Home Mum

10. Start Making Gifts at Home

Every year I make ‘Cookies in a Jar’ for family and friends.  Visit your Woolworths baking aisle to grab the ingredients to start putting them together now!  Other ideas are:

100 Christmas Gifts Under $10 | Stay at Home Mum


So there you go, my top ten tips on how to save your sanity this Christmas.

Now where is my glass of wine?10 Nifty Hints on Preparing for Christmas Right NOW | Stay at Home Mum.com.au

Jody Allen
About Author

Jody Allen

Jody Allen is the founder of Stay at Home Mum. Jody is a five-time published author with Penguin Random House and is the current Suzuki Queensland Amb...Read Moreassador. Read Less

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