How to Deal with Christmas Party Poopers

5 min read
How to Deal with Christmas Party Poopers

4. Talk and ask why they’re not having fun

Talk to the person in question and ask what’s on their mind and why they aren’t enjoying themselves. Don’t ignore them and make them feel even more worst. Most of them need some attention and someone to talk to. We don’t really know what’s going on and why they are feeling like that…all the time. Perhaps they’re not in the mood, something happened at work or they’re really not that social.

How to Deal with Christmas Party Poopers | Stay At Home Mum

Take time and have patience and understanding to chat with this kind of people. They really are not a notorious party pooper and a heart to heart talk may change their mood and the way they think about everything. Later on, we may see them on their way to enjoying the gathering and the season.

How to Deal with Christmas Party Poopers | Stay At Home Mum

5. Remind them to be in the NOW

If you have a friend, a relative or even in your family that is workaholic, that all they have in mind is about work and are glued to their phone or whatsoever, remind them they needed to take a time off from whatever it is and enjoy the moment. People should be enjoying what’s in the now.

How to Deal with Christmas Party Poopers | Stay At Home Mum

6. Spark their interest

So maybe it’s not you or the party pooper, maybe it’s just that the person is bored and the activities in the party don’t interest him or her. Break up their boredom and spark their interest by trying to change things up that gets their brain and body working! Include activities that lets them mingle with other people in the group. Play some exciting games that everyone can laugh out loud! For sure their mood will uplift and they can eventually feel comfortable throughout the entire time.

How to Deal with Christmas Party Poopers | Stay At Home Mum

Do you have more tips on how to handle Party poopers?

How to Deal with Christmas Party Poopers | Stay At Home Mum

Jenna Gallina is SAHM’s advertising content writer and lover of all thing Christmas, especially when her husband is forced to wear the Grinch Hat.

She is mum to two children under four and lives in Cairns, QLD.

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Hairia Ballsach

Hairia is a Ukrainian mother of 8 who traded international fame and fortune as an international exotic pole dancing champion to live in Australia with...Read More her husband Hugo, who is a used garden ornament collector and salesman. She enjoys monster truck rallys, High Tea parties and drinking scotch, neat! Read Less

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