Period sex is one of those things that people just don’t talk about. Of course, people now talk about sex more – well, most people do, however, some aspects still remain
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Your little girl is growing up – and you want her to be prepared for her body changes. Time for their First Period Kit You’ve had the period talk, now
Read MoreIn the hustle and bustle of daily life, maintaining a balanced diet and meeting our body’s nutritional needs can be quite the challenge. For many individuals juggling professional commitments, family
Read MoreWho are the Matildas? Well you must have been living under a rock! The Matildas are our Aussie women’s Soccer team who have made headlines over the past few weeks
Read MoreThis article is written by Carly Sophia. After giving birth in 2018, I entered into the driest sex spell of my life. And to be clear, there wasn’t any complaining
Read MoreIn what could be considered a ground-breaking study for mental illness, scientists have discovered a link between mothers and their daughters’ depression. Science Daily reported that in a study done
Read MoreWhat is taking a toll on your mental health right now.. at this very moment? Do you often feel overwhelmed? Burnt Out? Are you taking anti-depressants because you can’t cope?
Read MoreThis article is brought to you by Sex Toys Erotica Adult Shop Are you looking for ways to have better, more intense orgasms? Discover everything you need to know about
Read MoreCongratulations, new Mumma-Bear! You have made it through pregnancy, labour, and delivery. Now, it’s time to start thinking about how to get back into shape after having a baby. But
Read MoreIs it true that women who stay together, menstruate together? Hmm, Period Syncing!! Or is the syncing up of menstrual cycles just an old wives tale? And if so why
Read MoreNote: This is a paid review by 180 Nutrition. But all opinions and findings are our own and are not affected by payment. Payment is made only for the publishing
Read MoreWelcome to the Future of Period Sex! Menstrual Products are just getting better and better- and this advance means that you can now wear a menstrual cup DURING sex with
Read MoreIf you find yourself tired all the time, know that you aren’t alone! Fatigue affects us in different ways and at different points in our lives. So what can you
Read MoreFrightening Stories of Mothers with Postpartum Psychosis As Mums, we have all heard of the ‘Baby Blues’ – and we know just how incredibly insecure and crappy we feel emotionally
Read More10 Best Genital Plastic Surgeries You Can Get Genital cosmetic surgery is gaining popularity among both men and women in the area of plastic surgery. Numerous cosmetic genital plastic surgery
Read MoreThere’s not much novelty left in having a vagina these days. Well, that is until you read these stories, which are enough to make you see all your equipment in
Read MoreAre you considering using a menstrual cup for the first time? Or maybe you’ve tried one before, but aren’t sure which one to buy? Check out our list of the
Read MoreEvery aspect of your personality contributes to who you are. It encompasses everything about your way of thinking, feeling, and doing. When your manner of thinking, feeling, and/or acting causes
Read MoreI pee myself when I sneeze and my legs aren’t crossed. I leak a bit when I’m at the gym on the leg press and I’m going for a heavier
Read MoreWhat do Maldives, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates all have in common? Sex toys are illegal!
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