7. Quiet The Mind
We live in a world that is busy and loud, and sometimes, it can be difficult to quiet down our thoughts. While it won’t suit everyone, meditation can be a great way to improve overall mental health by combatting depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia and more. If meditation isn’t for you, there’s always a mindfulness practice, which is similar but less spiritually focused.
8. Surround Yourself With Positivity
The things around us can have a surprising impact on how we act and how we feel. When we’re surrounded by negative people, and we’re constantly putting ourselves into situations that make us feel bad, our mental health and feeling of wellbeing suffers. It isn’t always possible, but try as hard as you can to surround yourself with positive people and situations, and stay away from the things that bring you down.
9. Take Time To Rest
Rest is so important to all aspects of our health, both physical and mental. When we aren’t well rested, we don’t think straight, we struggle to gain perspective, and we aren’t at our best. Getting enough sleep every night, following sustainable rest practices (like not using your phone in bed) and taking time out to rest when you’re tired, are all important aspects of this.
10. Get Help If You Need It
Admitting that you need help is hard, and people often put it off because they feel their problems aren’t that big. Well that isn’t how life works. If something is big for you, it’s worth talking about. Chat to those close to you about where you’re struggling, or talk to a counsellor if that works better for you. Just having someone to walk you through your issues, and provide a new perspective, can really help.