6. Inappropriate questions
In my corporate life, I’ve worked in a very male-dominated field and I have been asked some doozies. No man is ever asked if he is thinking about starting a family before starting a new role. I’ve also never seen an umpire ask a sportsman to give the camera a twirl and tell everyone about the outfit they are wearing.

7. Labels
Stay at home mum, working mum, breastfeeding mum, bottle feeding mum, spinster, corporate women aka ball buster and so on. What is with all the labels? Men get man, father, bachelor. I was watching one of those mornings shows the other day and Ita Buttrose stated: “I am a woman, I don’t need a label.” I am with you, Ita. I am a woman and I don’t need a verb with it.

8. Hair removal
Waxing, shaving or lasering of armpits, legs, eyebrows, bikini and moustache has become another right of passage for many women. Trying to time a waxing appointment with pool party invitations or big night out can be a pain in the butt, there is always red rash lay-over day to consider.

9. Pantyhose
Do you think it is a running joke with the manufactures of pantyhose to make them so the crutch spends most of the time heading towards your knees?

10. Hair appointments
The styling, colouring, blow drying, curling, straightening…arrgghh! A hair appointment for me takes about two hours and costs more than I will admit to my husband. His hair cut? 20 minutes and $30! Need I say more.