Home Remedies For Snoring

5 min read
Home Remedies For Snoring

Clear Nasal Congestion

giphy 27 | Stay at Home
via giphy

When you’re blocked up from your sinuses, the common cold, or allergies, the nasal passage is often reduced in size, once again resulting in the fast movement of air leading to snoring.

Indulging in a hot shower before bed to help open nasal passages or using a humidifier in the bedroom can improve to clear congestion and provide some relief from snoring.

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Michelle Gadd

Being a single parent since her children were toddlers, Michelle has enjoyed life's challenges, and is able to relate to other mothers and fathers of...Read Morechildren growing up and developing through life's stages. The laughter, heartbreak, tantrums and victories are all memories to be shared and embraced. With sheer determination or as some may prefer to call it stubbornness and with a sometimes twisted view - Michelle will always find the humorous side of life. Michelle has a business background working in Government departments for over 20 years holding multiple Business Diploma's and other certifications including Training and Assessing, Project Management and Volunteer Coordination amongst them. With an attitude of "˜life being an adventure - start living', she is always looking for new challenges and the chance to share knowledge and experiences with the Stay At Home Mum Community. Mother of two teens who also makes claim to even have her sanity intact (on most days) Michelle has ventured into writing sharing her sometime sassy and wry sense of humour. Read Less

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